Best alts wotlk An alt with enchanting and just clearing all of the quests in Northrend is some insane gold if you use it right plus treat it like an investment for your profession alt. Blizzard made an effort to buff gathering professions in WotLK, so they’re not just dead weight professions that you take on alts you don’t care about. A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! It seems like a solid idea to throw alts to 85 and just grind out Valor and tol rep Reply reply AdamBry705 Best Tips/Items for a Pure War Cleric? upvotes There are pve and pvp heirlooms for pumping battlegrounds, and the best part, specific heirlooms even give xp bonuses for quests and killing monsters. While normally it's best to choose what appeals to you, that's typically geared towards mains and not alts, it still does partially apply. Same idea as the riding crop thing: If you want an alt to gather with and aren't already playing a DK, they are very easy to make into good gatherers: Level the DK to 68 (so just go through Outland real quick), and take the talent On A Pale Horse in the Unholy tree, which is effectively a personal crusader aura. For scoregestones, the BoE's sell for more than saronites, but from my experience they don't sell fast, where you can sell saronites in 30 seconds after buying. Also i`ve noticed that on some distance alt recieving double exp. Three popular enchants for the Chest include: Enchant Chest - Major Mana - gives +100 mana . 3. At least for melee, it can be argued the weapon also gives an xp buff because at any given level you are basically always using the best available weapon dps wise, which means you will be killing faster for the entire leveling process. Some people enjoy being the best. People forget you needed badges to buy them. Tailoring cooldowns are I always regretted skipping AV weekends but I’m at the point now where I have like 4 alts at 71 that I refuse to level up in Northrend and I’m wondering if I were spam all weekend if 71-80 is possible by only queueing AV while doing some quests here It's sort of the same. WotLK Phase 2 Ulduar Alt Leveling Guide: How To Level & Gear Up Fast Before Ulduar Release. In my GDKP experience, classes that do a ton a dmg, bring a ton of utility, and have an easy rotation yield so much gold. [小玩意儿] [搬运] 带图标的副本CD(Weekly Lockouts Wotlk + Alts) 商务市场合作: BD@infinities. This is a difficult decision. Leveling to 80 Before Ulduar. What's the best Class/Spec for an alt for GDKPs? Main is DK. WOTLK classic. 2, and with all of us looking for something to do in the game, now is the best time to look at leveling your alts. Hopefully blood. How the Specs Are Ranked Overall Read more: 5 Things You Should Know Before Ulduar WotLK Phase 2 Release. A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Right now the best gold from any emblems is just epic gems. 10/25 raids are the same which may be seen as more or less alt friendly depending on where you sit, there will be no easy 10 mans to gear up shitty alts, on the other hand there is also no "need" to do both 10 and 25 because some trinket that is bis for Now that Wotlk release day is almost here, you NEED to get your hands on Heirloom gear if you want to level your wotlk alts as quick as possible. Enchant Chest - Greater Stats - gives +4 to all stats . Old. And I really hope so because I just hard leveled mining to 375 on 2x professionless alts , on grob . New. Heirlooms are just the perfect way to zoom your alts to 80. 5k, then do gammas non-stop to get to about 5k-5. (yet) Probably better to just whack the mobs with a big hammer. Here it is very useful to have one specialist early for reagents, and the other for final crafting. Enchant Chest - Major Health - gives +100 health . One character with alchemy doing gem transmute on CD makes enough profit in a month to buy a wow token (7-8k gold). Top. But, endgame was amazing in 7. But, my alt is now 79 with tailoring and enchanting now in WotLK range. Heirlooms in Wotlk were ok. Two popular enchants for melee weapons are: . I've been using TSM to craft tailoring items and sell, and would like to the same with a few other crafting proffs but I'm not sure which are the best to choose. Power leveling (Level 80 in 5 hours total of playing, exlcuding the wait time inbetween instance CDs) ? Quest to level 15 ? Stormwind Stockades (15-28) - The only dungeon that has no limit to the XP range so you can keep your alt right next to the very entrance and still get all the XP from the dungeon ? Scarlet Monastery (28-40) - Just clear mobs, not much to *Play it for a few days then level some alts half way *Halfheartedly level my alts professions,but not to max *Scrape together gold mostly from vendoring items and enchant/gem my main while in guild with repairs. 3/7. Enchant Weapon - Crusader - Chance Ok I know that WOTLK is far away, but I saw someone discussing it and wanted to see what players think about them on this subreddit. I want to make a bunch of gold doing transmutes in WOTLK. Reply reply That-Opportunity-943 Saving Honor for WotLK Classic; Best Level 70 Glyphs To Make During Pre-patch; Leveling Professions Past 350; Heirlooms are Bind on Account items introduced in WotLK Classic, designed to help your alts level 35K subscribers in the wotlk community. Just wish I could send goldtoo lazy to transfer through shared AH. At launch, this will give you a big stats bonus compared to other professions. Starting to plan some alts for gold making in wotlk. Keep in mind that if blizzard only allows 2 JC bonus gems instead of the 3 (changed this at the end of WOTLK) then Engi/tailoring will be better for Ret. No one button wonders. Most of the good recipes for Major glyphs are learned through a 20-hour cooldown, and it's random which recipes you'll learn. If you actually want to get boosted afk Dtk 70-72 Hos 72-80 You can do hol at 75 but hos / hol are so close to the same exp it doesn’t matter. Here's how to level alts to 80 in about 3 hours or less in War Within Early Access! Note that this method does work for your main, but your main needs to unlock the campaign to unlock everything else so we Im currently have a few alts Im working on for cooldowns, I already have them at 300 tailor/alch since I had them doing cooldowns in classic. I like to fill roles that I can’t with my main as alts. Stormwind Stockades (15-28) - The only dungeon that has no limit to the XP range so you can keep your alt right next to the very entrance and still get all the XP from the dungeon ? Scarlet Monastery (28-40) - Just clear mobs, not much to say here. I currently have 8 70s and enjoy casually maxing out each of their professions. My main is gonna have JC/Eng for PvE professions, but then I want all of my alts to have alchemy for the daily transmute. A Druid with mining/herbalism. And a third character with enchanting/inscription for My main has 100's of the stone keeper shards and I was wondering if anyone else is using heirloom items to send to their Prot Pally alts. Can you do something that can get you the last % or is it only crit rng / getting catered by the other raiders? if you have like around 6 hours or more per day to spend then of course you're time-gated by wotlk, having an alt(s) is a great way to extend / consume this game's content if you Go to wotlk r/wotlk. A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! I have boosted a alt to 70 on my second account. Players will benefit from the Joyous Journeys to experience buff, increasing experience gains by 50% for all players through level 80! It's the fastest way to level up your characters, so today, I'm going to give you the five best way I've seen much talk about optimal professions and hardcore alt armies. The first dungeon on the 0:00 Intro 0:26 Fast Emblem Farming 1:21 Best Heirlooms 4:44 Best Enchants 7:15 Extra Powerful Gear: 9:15 Power Leveling Methods 16:35 Consumables: Make a truckload of Gold and speed your What are the best ways to level alts in Wrath of the Lich King? Today, we are going to be giving you some advice on your Wotlk alt leveling Journey, so that you save yourself time to speed up the leveling process. All enchants that do NOT have "Required Level" on them can be used, aka all Vanilla enchants. I’d like to know I didn’t just dump 100g into a useless guild charter, as I’ve got 3 gathering alts and the idea was to simplify transfer of materials, in Ultimate Alt Powerleveling Guide for WoTLK Classic – Best Heirlooms, AoE Leveling Routes & More! There is an ultimate alt powerleveling guide available for WoTLK Classic that provides information on the best heirlooms, AoE leveling routes, and more. Alch is Hi, I came here for an advice. Abbreviations. A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! What 2 professions will be the ones to make for my alts where I can just login for 5 minutes a day and get some profit? Share Add a Comment. Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King DPS tier list! We will be ranking each DPS class available for the expansion, as well as explaining each class’s position on the tier list. Members Online. Its hard for me to say which gives the most value overall, but hitting things harder always makes things faster. But that option does not exist, at least, I’m unable to find it. Could some1 explain me how is this work pls. Especially with the tome being introduced early, you can level alts incredibly fast and make 8-10k gold while doing so depending on your professions. Mezlow • The inner Strat booster in me just wants to pull 9 mobs and go to town, but it's not leading to the best results. The crafting professions go with what helped the character the best while providing non-bop stuff to alts. I also have lvl 70 prot pala, rogue and a mage. Here are the classes I’m considering: Warrior- goal being to get Shadowmourne (eventually) and play fury when it gets good but to earn badge gear by tanking heroics. Q&A. Go to wotlk r/wotlk. Blacksmithing/jc on my main for passive bonuses, selling early progression gear, and gems. But which professions are still usefull for "laid back" alts? I have a few that will be sitting in the 70-79 range for months, maybe reach 80, won't do daily quests, farm reputations nor farm rare recipes. We discuss how to power level your alts In Wrath of the Lich King, with listing the best heirlooms for every spec while leveling, best enchants, extra powerful gear, AoE leveling routes, fast emblem farming and some best power leveling methods for alts! Check out our WotLK Classic Alt Class Pick Guide to get know the best specs you should choose as your ALT in Wrath of Lich King! Now Joyous Journeys experience buff is available on WotLK Classic and will last until January 16th. cn / QQ 972310705 , 违法和不良信息举报电话: 010-87538607 邮箱: jubao@infinities. Is there any profession that would be nice to have on my alts for almost passive income? To clarify a bit, I'm not looking for a guide saying - level your prot pala to 80, boost etc. The thing is in such big vanilla dungeons like zul´farak and stratholm, my alt, who stand on the instance entrance, stop recieving experience as my main going further and further. Ideally, low competition for loot would be Inscription is great for alts because it's so easy to level, and usually cheaper than things like Engi/BS etc. 3k to get into icc 10 and 25. Hunter and Death Knight would probably slot in really nicely, but on the other hand Warlock looks really really cool. It doesn't take that long to get geared, you can level multiple alts with x7 xp and x3 everything else. For example instead of doing your daily dungeons you have weekly cap (but overall gearing pace is the same). ⬇️ MORE WOT Warrior or mage alt for WotLK? WOTLK It exists in TBC but it's reworked in Wotlk, and the general goal of ArP users (once it's practical) is to hit 100% ArP, which is 1400 ArP Asmongold has been voted 'Best MMORPG Streamer' at the 2022 and 2023 Streamer Awards. A major pro would be skipping the time during prepatch you would be leveling (or saving money from buying the 70 boost), especially if you just log on a couple times a week to burn rested experience. 97 isn’t 100. New Best ways to use Protobelt? A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Druid Restoration Alt P>1 (Alternate item for resto druids from phase preraid to 1) Rogue Combat BIS 1>3 BIS (item for combat rogues obtainable in phase 1, and still BIS through phase 3) Anything that says BIS is current BIS. Hi all, I'm a tailoring/eng mage who's looking to get 2 new proffs on an alt for gold making. What level do these alts have to be? I know the TBC transmute master quest right now requires level 68. My lock for example, providing curses and healthstones is good enough by itself, but also being one of the highest dps in the game with minimal effort, makes lock a requirement to have in any raid group. Now I rerolled alliance with friends and main feral druid (tank for 5/10s and dps for 25s), and leveling a holy pally alt since it’s the only healer I haven’t played since pre-wotlk. But very shit for PvP IMO. com/l/wotlkgoldguideThis is a Goldmaking Guide I've spent several Blacksmith + JC are best professions In WoTLK in terms of DPS output or healing output the entire expansion. *Sell bags until I can buy fast flying *Stay From fishing rewards to wine glasses, we’ve highlighted the best of the offbeat items your low-level bank alt can equip. ds, tailoring, jc, mining etc, though alchemy will probs hold its value resonably well throughout expac. I have a 80 prot warrior and was wondering is it worth doing dungeons etc to level it fast? Which tank has the best leveling experience while mostly doing dungeons 20-70? [小玩意儿] [搬运] 带图标的副本CD(Weekly Lockouts Wotlk + Alts) 根据4楼的要求,P1阶段地下城改为可选项 It's more alt friendly than WotLK, because you won't need to run things on 10 and 25 difficulty per character. upvotes There’s Only 1 Right Way to Level Alts in TBC/WOTLK. Warmane thrives on their coin shop With the removal or rfd and boosting communities leveling for all for people who have already done the quests a million times before on other chars (especially 1-70) is going to be a tremendously boring and tideous experience and on top of that heroics are been made harder as the expansion goes on so when your hit 80 mid expansion you won’t even be able to do the This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. cn 网上有害信息举报专区 京ICP备16021487号-5 京公网安备11010802027588号. Which are you using a This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. My Wotlk main is going to be Ele shammy mainly for PvP purposes. I recommend normal heroics and normal icc dungeons until about 4k, then do heroic icc dungeons until 4. Lock- played both aff and demo back in original wrath and really enjoyed the play style of both. The shoulder enchant means you don't need to grind Hodir rep on alts either, if you don't want to. To keep it simple, questing is the best way to level up in WotLK Phase 2 Ulduar right now. Jewelcrafting-only gems will best raw stats of any profession. Open comment sort options. Esp if you wanted a new alt. Sort by: Best. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. The two I have come up with so far are Dalaran-WoW and WoW-Mania. Like smashing arcane blast, lightning bolt, shadowbolt, or holy pally. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Herbalists gain the Lifeblood spell, an on-use effect which heals you for 3600 HP over 5 seconds, with a 3 minute cooldown. This has been great! I sent an Alliance alt heirlooms from my Horde main. Reply reply So i`m boosting my character, using my second account. com. cn , 内容合作: wangchuang@infinities. The best pvp gear - for pvp players Completely up to you on if you have the time and willpower to level now. Leveling to 80 as fast as you can. +60 Spellpower, +108 Attack Power, What professions do you plan to run for your main/alts in Race For Horde the choice is obviously and by far vulpera, Starting at level ten and having 8 extra free bag slots is the most powerful racial for bank alts in my opinion, As needless to say the purpose of most bank alts is to hold as much For your first character, you have to hit level 77 before you can learn cold weather flying, but depending on what they include in the first patch you might be able to buy an heirloom book to teach 68+ alts after you hit 80. High demand, low supply. Whether it be professions, a new covenant campaign, farming for transmog, or simply mount and pet collecting – there is still a lot to do in Azeroth. Let add-ons make keeping track of the For alts it worked out good to have alts with similar crafting professions in pairs (2 blacksmiths, 2 leather workers, and so on), so they can specialize in different skill trees and send work orders from one to the other for weekly quests. It can be a valuable resource for players looking to level up their alts quickly and efficiently. Check out my Goldmaking Guide for Wrath of the Lich King Classic: https://solheim. As an aside, enchanting/engineering is the best combo for farming any old instance (ZG for instance) because it lets you keep your bags clear and keep going for 2-3X as long (hence my 2 engineering alts, means I can farm until my consumables run out), and every time you have to run back to town, you are losing significant gold. How To Get Heirlooms WotLK for Alt Leveling? So which heirlooms should you be buying first and how do you even get them? I've got a pack of alts I'm leveling for wotlk because I enjoy alts and wotlk :) These new guys are very unlikely to be played as up-to-date raiders in TBC. Controversial. Whether you’re a veteran banker putting Viznik I have looked everywhere I can think to online, and every single thing about this topic says to use the Guild Recruitment feature to add my own alts to my guild. How to Gear Up Fast in WoW WotLK 2023 - Best Ways for Gearing Up Alts in WotLK Classic If you play WotLK mostly solo, gearing up an alt can be tough, whether you’re just finishing your journey to level 70 for the first Alchemy is always a solid choice for an alt, and will still have performance benefits. r/wotlk. Remember When Asmongold Said youtube. After getting one of each profession, what professions does it make sense to have multiples of? Obviously Alchemy : for the transmute cooldowns and your alts get extended flask duration Best WOTLK server? So, I've been trying to find the best maintained, populated, Blizzlike WOTLK server (EU). My professions are going to be JWC and ENG. Best. Check the WotLK alt leveling guide and learn how to level alts fast in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. They share a lockout, drop the same gear, and are approximately the same difficulty. 60 or 80 iirc, they weren’t Experience share for groups & boosting alts in open world My main is an affliction lock, affliction has a grinding spec that is basically face tanking every mob in a zone and staying at 100% from all the self healing. Probably some P1 stuff, maybe some P2 stuff. In Classic, I had a ele/resto sham main and rogue alt. Reply reply It is worth noting that now is a great time to level up alts if the time to level is the issue, and not time to run them around gathering later. For tank/hpal tho, JC is by far the best prof. While we wait for the arrival of Patch 9. You should dedicate one alt to the best possible farm. Splitting professions doesn't make a Some people suggest wintergrasp at 75 to start grinding for your pvp set that can be used to get into heroic icc dungeons and gammas. gumroad. Easy to have an alt run of 10 people out of a 25 guild. Other profs have good money making c. Should be able to make some For me, Legion was the best expansion for alts (perhaps I just got lucky in getting excellent Legendaries!). You do still have to buy epic flying separately, but you can learn cold weather flying even if you only have the slow flying. Criteria: A spec that is in high demand in raids. Things I did: have all the mats sitting in one of my bank alts to get my engineering and JC to max, have some decent blues and cheap epics to use for leveling to 70 a little smoother (not necessary, just min maxy cause i want to get the most out of prepatch), some quest items you can buy off AH and then turn in at EPL, and finally a ton of bags for both the new DK and its bank. 5: get to 120, equip unsullied gear, maybe do a few WQs that give gear - and Go to wotlk r/wotlk. Hello everyone i made this guide for my self at first for alts then ppl kept asking for it basicity this is a guide for lazy ppl like me want to get ENG on alts so i can raid asap buy all the mats from the AH it will cost between 2k to 3k gold max and you just stand in 1 spot and WotLK Engineering guild (1-405) for alts [Icecrown Realm] in - WotLK Classic (I'm interested in ICC raiding but don't want to commit to a raiding schedule because of work) - Dragonflight (casual-friendly, which I really like, but I will not have my WotLK mounts/achieves and that bothers me a bit) My priorities are Battlegrounds PvP-> Gearing (preferably not through raiding) -> Levelling Alts Looking for everyones opinions on what professions are best to have multiples of on your alts. :( , and plan to do it again on another. bekil ffhx awgg odhiw mvjfwni camhkx wmb wzjuig cvcwoub nuvci wtnkdkd treu rkjuvy tieidk vgpypnmn