Encode stata replace. Your Gender will not work with recode.
Encode stata replace 5. Stata的encode 命令默认将字符变量的值转为数值变量的值标签了,我们再看看不显示值标签的效果: tab wanted, nolabel. I am using the replace command because all of my data were imported as text. Stata. The two main commands used in Stata when working with strings are tostring, destring, encode and decode. When running FE and RE I need to specify the panel unit (firms in my dataset). Or, encode var, generate(var1) Share. 打开Stata并导入含有中文字符的数据文件。 이번 포스팅에서는 Stata의 기본 명령어 중 encode/decode, label, rename을 설명하고자 한다. 29. "120. 这个命令会将字符串变量中的数字转换为数值型变量,如果字符串中包含非数字字符,则会报错。 encode 命令: encode 变量名,gen(新变量名) Thanks to Kit Baum, new versions of the -sencode- and -sdecode- packages are now available for download from SSC. 2w次,点赞9次,收藏32次。将数据从excel复制或导入stata中经常会遇到字体红色的情况,一般是因为数据非字符。运行destring,replace经常看到“contains nonnumeric characters; no replace”警告这种情况最好不要贸然运用destring加force等选项,这样可能带来数值扭曲。 In Stata you can create new variables with generate and you can modify the values of an existing variable with replace and with recode. it would be even easier to use encode to transform marstat30 into a 在往期推文《encode和decode--带你探索解码与编码的世界》中已经为大家介绍了在 Python 中有关编码和解码的两种数据处理方法: encode 和 decode,今天小编将和大家一起继续探索在 Stata 中进行变量类型转换的两个命令:encode & decode。让我们一起来看一下吧~ observations. I'm trying to convert a binary variable from a string (e. Use generate to make a copy of the old one. 15 (which was released after this question was originally asked and answered). Thanks, Keshab replace education="1" if education=="Some high school" replace education="2" if education=="High School or GED" Alternatively, when i simply use the encode STATA command to alter the variables, encode q16, gen (education2) encode q38, gen (government_assistance2) 12. Here we convert mpg into three categories using generate and replace. **查看结果**:使用`list`或`describe`命令检查变量是否按预期进行了 replace gender = gender - 2 (Subtract 1 if you had 1's and 2's as mentioned in your original post. 그리고 앞선 포스팅에서와 마찬가지로 stata의 lifeexp 데이터를 이용하여 예시를 When destring was incorporated into Stata 7, it was largely rewritten. The ignore option of destring. Now we can import our comma-delimited text file back into Stata. Here, the variable “sex The storage type for race is "str5", and the storage type for racen is "long", which is a type of numeric variable. First, use describe to reassure yourself that it is a string. Trong Stata, bạn có thể tạo các biến mới bằng lệnh generate và bạn có thể sửa đổi các giá trị của một biến hiện có bằng lệnh replace hoặc recode. You can type help data_types to learn more about different types of numeric data. Type "help encode" in Stata for documentation and examples. I would like to replace and retain the original variable name after using the encode command for a set of variables x1-xn. Stata: Systematically replace characters in a string variable. When we have categorical data like “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, it might be useful to convert them into numbers like 1, 2, 3 for easier analysis. Comandos replace y recode Comando replace. Similarly, I tried encode, which converted strings to numeric successfully, but still does not recognise the missing values: [label define deliverylabel 0 "ship" 1 "air" encode delivery, gen (delivery_new) label (deliverylabel)] I am not sure what is the best way to tackle this. La sintaxis del comando replace es la siguiente: replace oldvar =exp [if] [in] [, nopromote] encode生成的数值型数据在取对数时会出现错误,如下图所示. encode 命令 2. Also, while you present your data, please present the exact code that reproduces the problem. d age storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----- 数据分析-人工智能 如何将stata中的字符型数据转为数值型 函数,encode和destring命令;数值型 Disclosure of interest: I first wrote tostring although it was folded into official Stata a while back, within the life of Stata 8. Bill mentioned to me, either then or at some other time, that if an operation and its 为什么stata字符型转数据型用encode数据改变了,用destring提示说存在字符型 3 个回复 - 906 次查看 红色是导入的数据,蓝色是用encode命令之后的数据,但是点进去比如说途中的数字本来应该是-563但是却显示是188。 如果使用destring var50,replace出现var50 contains nonnumeric 全文阅读:Stata数据处理:将字符变量编码为数值变量-encoder| 连享会主页 目录 1. They Stata中的`encode`命令用于将字符型变量编码为数值型变量。 使用encode命令先对中文字符进行编码,例如使用UTF-8编码: encode varname, gen(new_varname) replace utf8 这里varname是你要替换的变量名,new_varname是新的编码后的变量名。 3. Your Gender will not work with recode. The encode command assigns a number to each different string, starting with You're still giving information indirectly -- especially on exactly how you "changed" it from string to numeric and by not showing in your question the results of tabulate either before or after the change. If you are using unicode convertfile to convert a file to UTF-8 format, the string encoding using by Stata, you only need to specify the encoding of the source file. . putexcel close asdatenum convert Stata date exp to an Excel date number, preserving the cell’s format asdatetimenum convert Stata datetime exp to an Excel datetime The core of this solution, evidently, is the -encode- command, one of the really core data management commands in Stata. In this post, I show how to convert string variables to numeric in Stata. But in essence you probably applied encode. 相关推文 1. dta 데이터를 불러왔습니다. sysuse auto. This is probably best for you, as you already have, it seems, integer codes as well as string If they can be encoded into numeric types, I'd like to use encode to automatically convert them into the corresponding numeric format based on their original subcategory quantity and content. encode; decode encode var , gen( newvar ) creates a numeric variable newvar by assigning a numeric value to each of var 's string value. The variables may contain numeric values, but if they are defined as type string, there are very few things you can do to analyze the data. That leaves the usual "gen + replace" method, or encode. com encode — Encode string into numeric and vice versa Description Quick start Menu Syntax Options for encode Options for decode Remarks and examples References Also see Description encode creates a new variable Since the file is in Stata format (. replace Whereas generate is used to create new variables, replace is the command used for existing variables. Try destring var, replace in Stata if you want to convert var into numeric. Post Cancel. Join Date: Mar 2014; The dataset attached is malformed for Stata purposes as metadata appear in the first observation and as a side-effect all variables are string. Here is an example of what I normally would do: { encode `v', gen(_`v') order _`v', before(`v') drop `v' rename _`v', `v' } 注:本文为 Stata 学习笔记,主要参照教科书:Baum, C. 23 Nov 2021, 06:13. 8% equals 0. list id num code total income 1. com. Stata's encode command starts with a string variable and creates a new integer variable with labels mapped to the original string variable. gen price1 = price/2. There are always zero changes made in var10_decile encode var10,generate (var10_num) gen var10_decile=. Thanks a lot for your help! Nick Cox wrote: The explanation is simple. Unlike decode, sdecode creates an output string How to Convert String Variables With Non-Numeric Values to Numeric Variables in Stata. I want to replace AB which is 1 with a string value. In this case, copy and paste from the results window the *exact* -encode- command and resulting Stata output. Downloadable! encoder is identical to encode, but also includes options to (i) replace an existing variable instead of generating a new variable, and (ii) set the first labeled value to start at 0, rather than at 1. You solved this problem by making the integers strings. Instead of assigning numerical codes based on the alphanumeric order of the string variable, they can be assigned using the order in which the values appear in the original dataset. Qty: 1 $11,763. 2 分组替换变量内容 4. Am using "replace AB="my string" if Phần này chỉ ra cách tạo và mã hóa lại các biến. 25" ". replace changes the contents of a variable. 如果你 The encode Command: convert string to categorical variable . If you are using some 在 Stata 中处理数据时,有时候需要将字符型变量转换为数值型变量。 encode 和 destring 都是比较常用的命令,但是二者有区别。 encode 命令是给字符型变量重新编码,它只是返回了转换后的数值型变量的标签,而不是将 If you have a character variable that is stored as all characters, you can use encode to convert the character variable to numeric and it will create value labels that have the values that were The "encode/decode" commands should do the trick. encode 命令 encode命令可以将字符型变量转换为数值型变量。 encode: Create numeric version of a string variable: list: Lists the observations: rename: Rename a variable: recode: Recode the values of a variable: notes: Apply notes to the data file: generate: Creates a new variable: replace: Replaces values for an existing variable: egen: Extended generate – has special functions that can be used when Now when you -encode- these strings, Stata actually creates a variable that is just integers -- starting from 1 for the lowest value in the data, here 149, 2 for 151. 赞同 7 添加评论. Define value labels in advance and then insist that each encode uses those value labels. RE: problems with encode > As you have found out, -encode- will take values like "0,43" and map them > to integers with value labels. stata encode和decode的用法 在Stata中,`encode`和`decode`是用于对变量进行重新编码的命令。它们可以将分类变量(如性别、教育程度等)转换为数值型变量,或者将数值型变量转换为具有特定含义的分类变量。 encode `encode`命令用于将分类变量转换为数值型变量。 Stata连享会由中山大学连玉君老师团队创办,目前累积600多篇优质推文,内容涵盖Stata语法、论文复现代码、数据分析技巧等。包含主页、直播间、知乎、公众号、B站、码云等栏目。读者可以在Stata命令窗口使用“lianxh”和“songbl”关键词快速查询相关资源。 There may be times that you receive a file that has many (or all) of the variables defined as strings, that is, character variables. 翻译成简单的英文(尽管代码很简单):对于以make开头的每个变量,encode生成一个新变量,然后drop生成旧变量,rename生成新变量。使用本地宏。详细信息请参见help foreach和help macro。 안녕하세요 이번은 encode,decode,mvdecode,mvencode 명령어를 공부해 볼게요~ Curso STATA 2015 domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015. "C" and "S" are not included in your -label- definition. 数据处理过程中,有时候会碰到想要的数据型变量被存储为 字符型变量 的情况. It's sometimes but not always the right thing to do if you have a string variable and want a numeric. gen newid=string(id) 或者tostring id,gen(newid) stata 变量类型转换 - Stata专版 - 经管之家(原人大经济论坛) 13. The Stata Journal (2011) 11, Number 2, pp. dta, clear Using encode. encode maps the distinct strings of a string variable to an integer-valued nu- label, it adds them to the label. The four commands are often used to create or change the contents of variables. "Male" or "Female") into binary (0 and 1). stata学习. Improve this answer. Thank you for your response. Computing new variables using generate and replace. I tried with the following: replace q1=1 if q1=="Female" but I Skip to main content Stata: Efficient way to replace numerical values with string values. answered Jul 26, 2013 at 12:30. I would choose an order like 1 Single 2 Married 3 Separated 4 Divorced 5 Widow and replace 999 with missing. gsort obs mutno collapse (firstnm) mrn gender hb anc wbc plt bcount hits hit mhit diag1yes tnaive1 ),STATA教程数据清洗操作 生成本省所有样本除自己之外的均值作为自己的IV(工具变量),STATA数据清洗18_万得数据库(Wind)数据清洗实战(经管会计金融等大学生、硕博实证论文,作业必看!),STATA数据清洗12_unique(查看数据唯一性) tsfill(撑开样本) duplicates(删除重复值) 根据提供的引用内容,stata中replace命令主要用于内容的替换。具体用法为:replace 变量名=新值 [if 条件] [in 范围]。其中,变量名为需要替换的变量名称,新值为替换后的新值,if条件和in范围为可选参数,用于指定替换的样本范围。 Similarly, Stata is not fairly described of messing anything up; it is just doing what you told it to do. Join Date: Dec 2014; Posts: 10150 #3. I advice you to use generate option instead of replace, so you'll be able to check if everything was ok. 需要将字符型变量转换为 数量型变量. com/bf0f53d certainly! in stata, converting a string variable to a numeric variable can be accomplished using the `d 1. sencode 命令 3. For that, we use the following command. The replace command cannot be abbreviated. , PART_ID==7; GIVEN_VOUCHER1=42 GIVEN_VOUCHER2=325; GIVEN_VOUCHER3=7 or PART_ID==12; But, as the percentage of a number is not same as the number, i. I need to convert these string variables into numeric variables to calculate RDS weights (STATA command rds_network and rds). 最后,如果省份的值不是拼音,而是中文,Stata的命令也一样,大家可以动手尝试一下。 unicodetranslate—TranslatefilestoUnicode Description Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Alsosee Description The problem you are running into is that you want to replace strings with integers. Mapping text to numbers is the idea behind encoding. encode and destring are not in practice comparable solutions. We can convert string variables with non-numeric values to numeric variables in Stata using the encode or egen commands. The encode and decode commands in Stata allow you to convert string variables to numeric variables (encode) and numeric variables to string variables (decode). encode/decode, gen() encode + 변수명, gen(새로운 변수명) : 문자변수를 숫자변수로 Stata简介:Stata使用简单,功能强大,是数据分析中常用的统计计量软件。本人使用的是Stata14,如若需要,可评论留言! 1 Stata基本描述1. encode is for when you have "a", "b", * rencode * Program to encode variable and replace original as desired. It shows the progress of converting variables into numeric form. Do read the manual section on -encode-, and on its inverse function, -decode-. 37. You must set the destination file before using any other putexcel commands. With the encode command, add the gen() option to put the newly created numeric values in a new variable. They also contain some blanks. The encode command converts string variable into numerical and value label them. destring replace command output in Stata. encode in Stata. egen nb = group(b) which will generate a numeric variable nb that does not have value labels. Stata String Range This video is used to encode variable in stata. 12. Code: help encode. Right near the top of help encode Stata tells you "Do not use encode if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as strings". The user-written command sencode (super encode) by Roger Newson, and available running ssc describe sencode can be used for what you want. 11. Any insights will be hugely appreciated. dta) and it is in your working directory (right?), we can open with simply: use labor_survey. This solves one problem, but could create others. Stata: Efficient way to replace numerical values with string values. I follow up using label save, replace 七条建议:用Stata处理文字变量和字符变量; Stata:文字型日期格式的转换; 相关推文 Note:产生如下推文列表的 Stata 命令为:. Both give similar numeric If you are going to be using the -recode- command for this, -recode- accepts a whole list of variables, so just list them all and it will be done in one line. Please use the dataex command (mentioned in FAQ section 12. 참고로, 저번 포스팅에서와 마찬가지로 예시를 드는 것이 좋을 것 같아 stata 프로그램의 lifeexp 데이터를 이용하여 설명을 하고자 한다. Thanks to Kit Baum, there is now a new version of the -sencode- package, and a new package -sdecode-, available for download on SSC. ,还是在原有的变量上进行替换 —— replace, Stata Press》 P28. dta 데이터를 사용 )를 입력하여 auto. it is used for xtset command 这行代码是Stata中的命令,它的意思是将变量"city"进行编码,生成一个新的变量"citycode"。具体来说,"city"是原始数据中的一个分类变量,它包含了城市名称的文本信息。"encode"命令将这些城市名称转化为数值编码,将每个不同的城市名称都映射到一个唯一的数字上。 4destring— Convert string variables to numeric variables and vice versa. csv (encoding automatically selected: ISO-8859-1) (12 vars, 74 obs) Let's type describe to verify that our data imported 在 Stata 中,字符串变量可以通过以下几种方法转换为数值型变量: destring 命令: destring 变量名,replace. 可能的原因来自Stata help encode的说明,如下: Do not use encode if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as strings; instead, use generate 常见的问题:年度数据为字符串格式,需转换为数值型数据。 提供两种方法: destring year, replace force弊端:强制替换有可能造成缺失值。建议:一开始不加force。 第二种方法: encode year,g()弊端:先需下 本文介绍Stata中的ereplace命令用于替换现有变量的功能,并详细解释了egenmisc提供的新函数,如nacorr、nacov及navar等,这些函数能够帮助用户计算全样本或分组样本中的相关系数、协方差和方差。 实例 3. recode is for numeric variables only, you can use replace. 111 243 1234 543 23423 2. The -sencode- and -sdecode- packages are "super" versions of -encode- and -decode-, respectively, and are described as for a list of common encodings, and see[D] unicode encoding for a utility to find all available encodings. replace var10_decile = 1 if var10_num <=2000 but that only work if stata sees my varibale as a numeric variable gen var10_decile=. 0. 9 is the label for the number 2, and so on. 结语 6 Not strange at all. 2) to present your dataset. As a point of principle, it was decided to sharpen the distinction between destring and encode, more or encode is not for string to numeric replace; it is for generating new variables. Tính toán các biến mới bằng cách sử dụng generate và Using Stata 12, I want to replace some substrings in a string variable. Thus 1 would be a poor choice for encoding missing values because, after encoding, we could not tell a real 1 from a coded missing value 1. generate newvar = exp creates the new variable from existing variables through an expression. Go items in cart Stata/BE network 2-year maintenance Quantity: 196 Users. 1 `replace`和`ereplace`使用对比 3. csv. encoder 命令和 encoderall 命令 4. encode会更改字符型变量本来的数值,destring效果更好 方法一:创建新的符合格式的变量(方法二更简单) * 如果Stata可以直接打开你的数据表格的话就直接打开,不能的话就用import导入excel表格 describe / / 可以看到数据格式是str,文本类型,所以呈现红色 encode A, generate (yy) / / A是你要转变的数据列,yy是你给这列数据起的新名字 des yy / / 描述新生成的 Khi làm việc với dữ liệu định tính, bạn cần mã hóa chúng thành dữ liệu số bằng encode hoặc generate: encode Biến_String, generate(Biến_ĐịnhLượng) Điều này giúp bạn dễ dàng sử dụng các biến danh mục trong mô hình phân tích. However the type of the variable is str8. Stata/BE network 2-year maintenance Quantity: 196 Users. If i enter: destring y1990-y2009, replace dpcomma Stata says: option dpcomma not allowed I am working with Stata10. 1 to perform the analysis. Here is a sample regarding your question: clear input str8 Gender Female Male end * Method I generate g01 = 1 if Gender == "Male" replace g01 = 0 if Gender == "Female" * Method II encode Gender, gen(g02) * Check its label scheme: codebook g02 Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. 321–322 Stata tip 99: Taking extra care with encode encode (see [D] encode) has long been one of Stata’s basic data-management com-mands. destring var1, replace destring var2, replace That will give you a list of values that Stata did not destring and you can make the changes to the new variable as needed. The tab line will report all values of the string variable that Stata couldn't destring with the above 在Stata中,可以使用`replace`命令来替换缺失值。以下是一个简单的示例: 假设我们有一个名为`var1`的变量,其中包含缺失值。我们想将这些缺失值替换为0。可以使用以下命令执行此操作: ```stata replace var1 = 0 How replace text value of variable with number 23 Nov 2021, 06:08 (Note: stata says that the text values are numerical, which I do find rather weird) Tags: None. Converting string to numeric in Stata. If the variable is actually a numeric value that just happens to be stored as a string, see our FAQ: How can I quickly convert many string variables to numeric variables? Let’s say 在使用Stata进行数据分析时,经常会遇到将字符型数据转换为数值型数据的情况。本文将介绍如何使用Stata将字符型数据转换为数值型数据,并提供相应的源代码示例。函数,都可以将字符型数据转换为数值型数据。但需要注意的是,如果字符型数据中包含无效的字符或特殊字符,转换过程可 I used encode but the generate and replace command afterwards is not working. The second option can be useful, among other things, when the encoded variable will be used as a predictor variable in a regression. label list racen racen: 1 Black 2 Other 3 White encode在stata中的用法-encode命令支持的选项包括:- replace:指定后,encode命令将覆盖已有的数值型变量;- ignore():指定后,encode命令将忽略括号中的字符值;- value():指定后,encode命令将为每个字符值设置一个指定的编码值,而不是自动生成编码值,该选项常用于 Hello am new to stata, the task that am trying to achieve is to replace a numeric value with a string, but it keeps on saying type mismatch. You can browse but not post. That would be appropriate if the 1s in our data already represented missing data. 111 123 2345 67854 12654 Download 1M+ code from https://codegive. The encode command always assigns numeric values starting from 1 in Stata. You cannot get means, you cannot do a regression, you cannot do an ANOVA, etc 文章浏览阅读4. You can’t use replace options with encode command. Like so: Orginal Variable CC547A1 | VC549F| PC5297 New Variable 18547A1 | 75549F | 355297 The characters I need to change are always in the beginning. txt" des unicodeconvertfile—Low-levelfileconversionbetweenencodings Description Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Alsosee Description <> In an attempt to reduce the size of the final/appended dataset, Florian wants to encode "citation" in each of the un-appended datasets first, remove the long string variable and have an encoded numeric variable in it's place, and then append the files to create the large, final dataset. 1. If you still have the original string variable you could start from that. The direct analog of this in pandas would now be the categorical variable type which became a full-fledged part of pandas starting in 0. encode is also useful in reducing the size of a Hi, I have string variable bostonid, and I want to simplify them into containing either "boston, vir, or slc. This will convert all the percentages into fractions. replace var10_decile = 1 if Search stata. Command 창에 sysuse auto (시스템에 저장된 auto. It provides a mapping between the numeric value and the value label. I use Stata 15. 1主窗口 如图所示,Stata大致可以分为五个部分。 最上面是菜单栏,或者成为工具栏,功能栏,包括file,Edit,Data,Graphics encode在stata中的用法 encode是Stata中一个非常有用的命令,它用于将字符串变量转换为数值变量,从而方便数据处理和分析。在本文中,我们将介绍encode命令的用法及其在Stata中的应用。 我们需要明确一点,即在Stata中,数据分为两种类型:字符串变量和数值变量。 The easiest way to convert string variables to numeric form is to use the encode command. Nick Cox. You want -encode- to understand that "C" and "Control" mean the same as far as you are concerned, and similarly "S" and "Salmon", but you provide no information for Stata to know that. Stata generally requires you to spell out completely any command that can alter your existing data. force tab var1 if var1_==. : Strongly Agree; generate; replace; recode; autocode. putexcel set sets the Excel file to create, modify, or replace in subsequent putexcel commands. The best way to solve your problem is to use encode 将数据从excel复制或导入stata中经常会遇到字体红色的情况,一般是因为数据非字符。运行destring,replace经常看到 “contains nonnumeric characters; no replace”警告 这种情况最好不要贸然运用destring加force等选项,这样可能带来数值扭曲。 原本仅仅格式有问题的观测值可能被软件处理成缺失值等。 mvencode—Changemissingvaluestonumericvaluesandviceversa Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Acknowledgment Alsosee Description . Following this, label values would be assigned, and the original character-type variables removed. In Stata, type -ssc desc sencode- or -ssc desc sdecode- to find out more. 再识recode,才发现这个小命令没那么简单!掌握了recode,处理起数值型变量不是一般地溜! 冰洁,中南财经政法大学金融学院文字编辑:崔赵雯技术总编:余术玲 在往期推文《encode和 The new version of -sencode- is still in Stata Version 10, although, if run under Stata Version 13, it can encode the very long string values (includung -strL- values) The output string variable may either replace the input numeric variable or be generated as a new variable named newvar. So, it has to go beyond your -label- definition. encode maps strings in alphabetical (here alphanumeric) order to numeric values 1 up (unless you specify otherwise with a label() option). 为什么stata字符型转数据型用encode数据改变了,用destring提示说存在字符型 3 个回复 - 795 次查看 红色是导入的数据,蓝色是用encode命令之后的数据,但是点进去比如说途中的数字本来应该是-563但是却显示是188。 如果使用destring var50,replace出现var50 contains nonnumeric characters; no replace的提示。 **使用`replace`命令**:如果需要直接替换现有变量的某些值,也可以这样做: ```stata replace var_name = replacement_value if condition ``` 其中`condition`是一个逻辑表达式,满足条件的行会被替换。 4. So "1000" will sort before "10000" before "1001", and so forth. First, recode only works if the incoming source variable is numeric. 여기서 말하는 기본 명령어란, Stata 프로그램의 세팅과 관련된 명령어와 데이터(혹은 변수) 조작과 관련한 기초적인 명령어들을 뜻한다. Una vez creadas las variables, podemos utilizar el comando replace para modificar variables ya existentes, alterando los datos. To change gender and country string variables into numeric variables, use following command, one by one: encode gender, generate (gender2) encode country, generate So, -encode- sees no labels of "C" and "S". generate:生成新的变量。 3. Assign Custom Labels When Using encode command in Stata. One way round this is documented in the help for encode. if inlist(X, - 10, - 9, 函数最多可以接受250个数字类型的列表元素。具体做法如下: // encode 快速新增变量,并建立以变量名为名的值标签,其值是根据prov I have data from a survey with variables containing strings that I would like to convert to a numeric value for analysis. Follow edited Jul 26, 2013 at 18:49. So, -encode- sees no labels of "C" and "S". 298, so what we want Stata to do is to convert number into fraction, along with removing the percentage sign. * Thi STATA 手工输入数据 inlist encode快速建立值标签 for var _all: replace X =. In Stata, use the -ssc- command to do this, or the -adoupdate- command, if you already have earlier versions. 2006. Stata代码如下: encode province,gen(wanted) tab wanted. keep:选择需要的变量 Learn how to change string variables into numeric variables and numeric variables into string variables in Stata. We could force mvencode to encode the data with 1, anyway, by typing mvencode all, mv(1) override. Let's first type clear to clear Stata's memory. 打开Stata并导入含有中文字符的数据文件。 2. 文章浏览阅读5k次,点赞3次,收藏6次。这行代码是Stata中的命令,它的意思是将变量"city"进行编码,生成一个新的变量"citycode"。具体来说,"city"是原始数据中的一个分类变量,它包含了城市名称的文本信息。"encode"命令将这些城市名称转化为数值编码,将每个不同的城市名称都映射到一个唯一的数字 Unfortunately Stata does not accept the command you suggested. encode:将字符变量转换为数值编码。 编辑于 2023-09-21 15:54・IP 属地江苏. import delimited myauto. You're thinking that 0 means missing but Stata really doesn't know that. " Because of the large numbers (1980 observations), I sorted bostonid, and label define PhaseOrder 1 "Start" 2 "Readiness" 3 "On The Path" 4 "Nearing The Finish" 5 "Out of Poverty" 6 "Completed" gen DEBTPhaseString = "On The Path" replace DEBTPhaseString = "Nearing The Finish" if DEBTNegativeMR<=OTPDebtGoal replace DEBTPhaseString = "Out of Poverty" if DEBTNegativeMR<=NTFDebtGoal replace 经管之家是一个国内活跃的经济、管理、金融和统计论坛,提供广泛的讨论和资源。 First and foremost, never overwrite using replace, it can lead to a lot of disasters. replace bostonid = string(1,"%16s") if bostonid in 1/56 type mismatch r(109); Any help will be much appreciated! Comment. Comment. Stata uses two different commands to prevent you from accidentally modifying your data. ssc install songbl, replace 数值型字符型转换,destring tostring 关键词:数据分析、数据分析师 . replace:替换变量中的某个数值或字符。 2. If you have more than 67,784 unique values of the string variables that you are encoding, encode will complain. 2. clear. 3 phần chính sau sẽ được đề cập trong bài viết này: . Otherwise put, Stata is totally literal here in handling strings. 00 I see now. * Like encode, but can specify replace option instead of generate(name). 举例,下图中变量的观测值显示为红色,均为字符型变量 label save using p53label-v2. For example, I need to change all instances of CC to 18, VC to 75, and PC to 35. songbl 文字 安装最新版 lianxh/ songbl 命令:. If that is the case, then you can use . 10" "122. String variables are shown in red . encode varname, gen (newvarname)。varname是字符型变量,newvarname没问题的话就是转变后的数值型变量啦 . e. Let's type label list racen to view the labels. The storage type might be long or something else, depending on your Stata settings. tostring age,replace age was byte now str2 . you need to use a command called replace instead of recode. Recode string variables. For this example, let's load the auto training dataset and run the describe command: 在Stata中,`encode`命令用于将字符串变量转换为数值型变量。 其中,replace命令可以用于简单地替换特定的文字,而encode或translate命令则可用于编码转换,例如将汉字转换成数字或拼音。 以下是基本步骤: 1. 使用`encode`命令先对中文字符进行编码,例如使用UTF-8编码: ``` encode varname, gen(new_varname) replace utf8 ``` 这里`varname`是你要替换的变量名,`new_varname`是新的编码后的变量名。 3. May 07, 2019. encode is most useful in making string variables accessible to Stata’s statistical routines, most of which can work only with numeric variables. William Lisowski. These are two different data types, and in Stata you can't have a variable with two different data types. September 7, 2012 Stata 3 comments. do, replace // COPY VARIABLE LABELS PRECOLLAPSE foreach v of var * { local l`v' : variable label `v' local vl`v': value label `v' if `"`l`v''"' == "" { local l`v' "`v'" } } // Collapsing/re-label re-value label row level data for final merges. 原因不清楚,因此最好直接用destring. 与之相对应,encode 命令更适用于将以字符串形式显示的分类变量(性别、地区等)转化为数值型分类变量, 并进而生成对应数字编码的 A GUIDE TO APPLIED STATISTICS WITH STATA. Let’s see how Stata encodes ‘sex’, a binary variable. generate mpg3 = . Then, we can use import delimited to import the data from myauto. ) However, I suspect something else is going on. Notice that the Value label for racen is "racen". If there are non-numeric characters in our dataset, destring command will show an Nick, this is neat, thanks. But when we want to run regressions with binary/dummy variables, it is important to have the variable coded with 0 and 1. -sencode- and -sdecode- are "super" versions of -encode- and -decode-, respectively, and are described as below on my website. Title stata. It is preferable to generate a copy of the old variable before you start replacing values (or expressions, which is the term used below). When using the encode command to destring variables it seems to change the value of the variables. I can read all this, and I think I know what the issue is, but for me or anyone to really help you and give you the best advice possible, you must provide us with a minimal worked Stata中的数值型变量分类神器--recode 它的作用等效如下: replace a=0 if a=. The context is that I earlier wrote destring (with help from William (Bill) Gould) and have often needed it myself ever since and it seems to be used quite often. 3k 6 6 gold badges 35 35 silver badges 50 50 bronze badges. 149 is merely a label attached to the number 1, 151. – Nick Cox. generate; replace. The time spent will be amply rewarded going forward. if firm1 != "id_131":firm1 Ronnie 지난 포스팅에 이어 STATA에 관련된 기본명령어 list[in/if], replace, recode 에 대해서 추가로 공부해보겠습니다. The above message will appear in the Stata window. 23 Nov 2021, 09:11 (Note: stata says that the Pandas 与Stata的encode函数相当的功能 阅读更多:Pandas 教程 在本文中,我们将介绍Pandas中与Stata的encode函数相当的功能。Stata的encode函数在数据处理中非常常用,它可以将字符串变量编码为数值变量,为后续的分析和建模提供便利。在Pandas中,并没有内置的encode函数,但是我们可以通过其他方式实现 Giorgia Maffini wrote: is anybody aware of how I could solve the following problem: I am working with a panel of more than 70,000 firms. g. Tashi, this is certainly closer to what you had in mind encode firms, gen(firm1) replace firm1 = . By default, UTF-8 is selected as the encoding for the destination file. . ssc install lianxh, replace. How do I convert string variables to numeric variables in Stata? 2. M any survey questionnaires use a Likert or Likert-like scale, e. destring percentage, replace percent. txt 文档中读入数值变量之所以会以文字值方式存储, // *- 主要原因是变量中可能包含了如下特殊符号: // *- 金额 `$' 、逗号 `,' 、斜线 `/' 、百分比 `%' 、破折号 `-' shellout "d202. encode 命令 encode 命令可以将字符型变量转换为数值型变量。具体地,将字符变量的不同取值,按照字母排列顺序分别映射到数值 1, 2,,并为生成的数字变量添加值标签。 有关选择编码的建议和最常用编码的列表,请参阅帮助编码。unicode encoding list提供了所有编码及其别名或满足指定标准的编码的列表。unicode encoding alias提供了一个可用于引用特定编码的备选名称列表。 unicode encoding set与Unicode translate命令一起使用的编码 . 12" end *Now destring the two variables destring price, replace destring return, replace 1. 喜欢 收藏 申请转载. Some original variables do not need to be 以下是基本步骤: 1. This is where I've started: for var x*: encode x*, encode creates a new variable named newvar based on the string variable varname, creating, adding to, or just using (as necessary) the value label newvar or, if specified, name. They will look the same as 이번 포스팅에서는 Stata의 기본 명령어 중 replace, recode에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 分享. 这时要用到 stata 的destring命令. drop:删除变量或观测值。 4. lianxh 文字. (In some ways, the original destring command violated Stata’s philosophy because it was too easy to change much of your dataset without the safeguard of having to spell out some injunction such as , replace. encode was the best command to use but letting the command choose your labels led to labels based on alphanumeric order, which isn't a good idea. ). generate—Createorchangecontentsofvariable Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Options Remarksandexamples References Alsosee Description generatecreatesanewvariable stata文本变量的处理 资料来源 :连玉君Stata 初级 研讨班讲义 以文字类型存储的数字之转换 -destring-//说明: //*- 从 . 9, etc. I used "encode/real/destring" command but i am getting duplicate numeric values (e. uoicxfahhxjtthvlzzafkngyrneqhhgspbqbxmdvagzfxxitjrxksjmeletmnwmfjkmiqablr