
Evony t1 layers. Month old 36 keep here.

Evony t1 layers 20 million t1 seige, 360M t1 cav, 60M t1 archer, 60M t1 270m t1 cav , 15m t2 cav 5m t3 cav rest archer seige and ground t1 are 5m each after that Don’t go heavy layers, especially t10 up, they like percentages. Finding the right balance is really the challenge. 25-2% T1-T11 Ground 10-10,000 All Other Troops Types & Tiers Ranged Attack March EVONY- Updated Layering for T1 DefenseDEFENSE LAYERING#evony #evonythekingsreturn #mobilegames#btechbbagamer===== EVONY:- Critical Points & 1B T1 Defense Setup(Layering, Debuff etc)Explained Critical Points required to defend against Big Buff, Big March size playerLink f This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King Troop Layering . But I've started to build more t4, t9-11 siege than 1m each. The T1 Defense; Layer Estimates Before You Start; March Presets; game mechanics; T1s and Trap Keeps; Reference. dur. I explain how to attack them without losing a ton of points/power. k36, 800+M power. 5B power, defending only with big troops so far. Of course with the t1 trap type defense, flat gear refines are vital. EVONY ANSWERS. gi. Layers I run 5k 10k. Without the t1 I would have been zeroed. Evony Reference Material; Buff Activation Conditions; Glossary of Evony Terms; March and very poorly, if at all, layered. If you have a lot of high tier troops, you'll need to ghost most of them. If you have any questions, I have so far amassed 140M T1 mounted with a couple of Million T1 layers. K30. You rely on your T1 troops to kill all the attackers’ troops and win on the power I explain the mechanics of Evony in extreme detail including the formulas Evony uses in battles. Mounted troops, or cavalry, are one of the most powerful and versatile units in Hangout, Play some Evony and call it a dayPromo Code MRYOURS 15-35% Bonus!Aptoide Download - https://evony. most t1 traps have a lot of high tier siege to kill the attacking troops that’s are focused on elsewhere so a siege rally is a good choice if u guys don’t have a 1800+ buff rally setter for most 2b keeps a 15m siege rally followed by a EVONY - Advanced Layering for Attack Marches(Ground, Cavs & Archer)Explained Different type of Layering for All Attack Marches(Cavs, Ground, Archers)Players If you are F2P, to medium coiner, I recommend building T1 traps as they are very economical and the pay off is great. if I see 100m+ t1, at a 500-1. This I'm working on K33 T1 trap. They give a f load of points when we play. and layers of t1 to t14. Battles go from top tier troops down. Month old 36 keep here. Currently I've been using the same cookie cutter skill books that I was taught over a year ago since I started playing: Range Attack, Range Bonus, Range HP, Range Defense, Siege Range, and Siege Attack. A player with 5,000,000 pvp troops should have 100,000 each tier. ; Number of to Tiers to Manually Adjust. Open comment This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King's Return. 100M T1, 5M T2, 3M T3 cavs, the rest Built a t1 mounted "wall" over 100mil currently. 1band I started with t1 pony wall as well. The #1 attack march of Evony players right now is ranged (archer) marches. But if you ever make it to all stars, no t1 later will matter. Here’s the easy way. Several Evony players are now training T1 troops to defend their keeps, however, it is not a bulletproof solution. What i need to know is, what kind of spearhead/rainbow would i need to send at him to clear some layers? I have been told 60K warriors, 20K pikes, 5K archers would be effective. You rely on your T1 troops to kill all the attackers’ troops and win on the power T1 defense can be done in few ways, and people need to stop with this “get all flats” mentality. March size is taken into account for amount of layers recommended. If you The last 20% will be layers down to t1. My t1 cav are at 80m right now, will be at 100m or more on Friday. com/appApp Coin - https://play. This technique is so common, that most players just refer to troop tier layering as "layers". googl The desktop version of the Evony app, available for Windows The recommended troop composition is high-tier ranged troops with layering. I have over 400m t1, and around 3-5 m of everything accept cavs over 10 Reply I saw someone's video showing someone was stuck just over 2. If your march size is between one and two million, use a layer size of 100 troops. Do For my PvP layers, should the t11 or t10 layer be the largest? Official subreddit for Evony The Kings Return and other Evony games. Ground doesn't have the same sway because as you make even more t1 even they can start killing t15/16 troops coming your way. More T1 cavs would continue to hit T14 ranged for as many rounds as Point being, the t1 cav is not a meat shield. Make sense? Reply reply Evony T1 Cav Defense Build Overview Lengthy detail discussion YouTube I would like to work on a t1 defense. None of this would work if your The smaller march size of lower levels means you have to have layers but don't want to fill up your march with so many layers you don't have room for your larger main troops. The attacker starts at the highest tier and works it's way down. In conclusion, whether you spend a little or a lot on Evony, traps are extremely useful and effective. lol well at least your trying well anyways traps get taken out by basically anything warriors are great for taking out traps and layer a 1 cav with each war attack to Train as many t1-t7 cavs as you want from bottom up but don't just do like 3m layers. If you have t10, 50k of t1-t9 all troops type, if you have t11, 100k of t1-t10, if you have t12 grow 150k of t1-10, if you have t13, grow 200k t1-t10 each troop type. To build an effective defense, understanding how PvP battles work in Evony is critical. Leave large layers of each tier/type on the wall. Members; Blog. In addition, if troops can target multiple types of enemies per I talk through the latest Evony battle trend: t1 trap keeps. And each tier only gets one attack per round. I have taken rallies of up to 4 players with good buffs and held my ground in SvS. Here is a simplified overview: The attacker’s troops engage in a layer-by-layer calculation, starting at Tier 1 (T1) and working upwards. I would estimate a strong k42 could clear 100-200m, a strong k44 could clear 200-400m. For example: for archer based attack: archer: 50% , Siege: 30%, Ground: 10%, Mounted: 10%. This guide covers the mechanics of layering and provides practical examples for PvP combat. In this playlist i try to optimise my t1 trap videos , still one video for troop layering is pending soon i will make that, if you want to donate you can sen This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King's Return. If you For every 100m t1, there needs to be 50m t2 and 25m t3. (cavs) what should be the layers for each troop type? How many of each troops? What's a good number for t1 Cavs 100M? A T1 trap is simply a keep with mostly T1 troops and very little of any other layers in the keep. The t1 has the time to then chew through them. I have 200k t1-t11 for all troop types so The 3 tier layer works very well You can train as many of each tier you want. For SvS, you should wait till k35. Too little and your t1 shield will get wiped, too much and you t1 shield won’t get the chance to do its job. If you have any questions, feel free to post here or I built 100m t1 mounted a couple weeks ago. My defense stats are utterly ridiculous. Forum. If your march size is greater than or equal to three million, use a layer size of 1000 troops. If you're facing people with high buffs regularly don't train more until you have 2000+% hp I have 1m of each troop tier t12-t14, then 1m of the each siege tier t1-t14, and every other layer at 100kish. Research trees for military, defense finished, adv military near completion, duty gen on all buildings. While getting full flat refines will work for certain group of players - ones with t1 wall and very low other layers (50-100k each) - that will rely only T1 mounted trap starts working after 140M T1. Layering is complicated in Evony mainly evony just doesn't stick to one formula. Have all t14 unlocked and good research, max military/def and most of adv military/adv def (not the siege stuff and trap stuff maxed). Each layer buys you a round in combat. But that’s just my theory Reply reply more reply More replies More replies More replies. Note: This is only a This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King Fluid-Web-5344. If you are a big coiner, then I recommend building T8 traps to get the most bang for your buck. This is the single most important thing you can do. Big guy in my alliance and biggest on server has over 1 billion t1 horse, copious layers of all other troop types and tiers but most of all siege. r/Evony_TKR. evony - defense upgrade (t1 defense to next level)tips to improve or enhance t1 defenseevony- defend city from big players (t1 defense simplified)- part 1ht Depends on the number of t1. ” Look for Mounted HP values in excess of 1700. As for t11+, that depends on your hp% buff and the competition you're facing. Against siege rallies almost every T1 wall will fall short since siege hits backline without ever engaging with the front line wall. It would mean that if the opponent is not properly layered the T12 kill already kill a lot of his T13+ before they start trading T13-T13, T14-T14. Ideally this helps one v one. Genghis, Red Evony, Evony Miser plus many more. I am k39, 4. Good afternoon, can you please tell me what the layers should look like to protect t1 ground using the main general Leonidas T1 ground traps can be very effective, although I am still not sure if The key to winning the point battle is to have some, but minimal upper tier troops (ghost excess if necessary) say 10-20k as these get attacked, will attack back & die before your defense layer of t1 ever gets involved. r Hi all, looking for some advice please surrounding a siege march to use when rallying mainly T1 Mounted trap keep. If your march size is less than one million, use a layer size of 50 troops. One of the most important parts of the player-versus-player (PvP) game mode is troop layering. Why does everyone tell you to push to k35 before making a trap keep? when the only thing the t14 troops do is sit as layers of 100k or so and you rely almost solely on your flat refines to buff your troops and not research. The idea is to create smaller sets above, ground, archer, and siege to help kill what ever comes at you. Delete every single other trap and layer to maximize your kills, Genghis Discord: https://discord. I was taught 20k t10 and t9, 5k t9 to t2, and 50-100k t1 ground. This can be summarized as either “health” or “toughness. None. For k27 max rally spot & march size techs, I highly recommend training at least 5k T1-T9’s, 150k T10’s, 200k T11’s. I saw a few suggestion around T11 heavy siege marches but nothing very clear on composition Seeing the players with massive t1 cav layers has inspired my own layer. Contact. K40 probably needs to rally even a small trap with 100m t1. ; Main attacking Troop Type. Later on when your march is over a million troops you can increase the support layer numbers to thousands but I don't recommend it for lower level small march sizes. 1000 of everything else. Consultations. For all your PC building needs Evony Troop Building Tips. How PvP Battles Work. aptoide. Players with immense layers at t15 or 14 are a godsend for us. I am brand new, but performed top 5 in our first SvS this weekend. Debuf gens in all subs (russian and japan) clothed in arch gear. April 23, 2024 March 18, 2024. 150k t11 100k t10 50k t9 10k layer or archer till t1 with 100k layer for everything but archer is my Evony: Troop layering. Since then I have put all layers up to 500k each while I increase my t11-14 to 3m each hopefully soon. T1 defense doesn't work for every troop type. Jarek 3 years ago. All my layers t12-t14 are 1m, 1m every siege tier, and every other layer 100k. This tactic allows smaller players to play again. This is when players “layer” an army with both offensive and defensive troops to create the best Koryo set on the wall and high siege buffs are needed for any sort of siege defense. r/Evony_TKR T1 trap keep size . If your siege Hp isn’t 900% +++ than you should stop at t1 trap and rely on that to give you points, with minimum amount of other troops (say ghost Create a march for your Evony: The King Returns build by filling in: Your March Size when buff is active. when attacking anyone with solid layers and a large archer Hangout, Play some Games & ChillWant to have some fun outside of evony, let you're Bots farm, take a break, save those gems during coin strike and let's have This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King's Return. Based on this, t1 actually gives more points if we purely look at power loss(0. Required layers for t1 defense to prevent critical hit. I have all flat refines for cav hp and defense and siege attack percentage on my wall gen (Tran). Check out our list of Evony Duty Generals for the best candidates to be assigned to your troop buildings. T1s are nice but if you want to take rally’s beef up your layers xwing fighter Evony search on Do troop layers continue to attack the same troop type and level they did the round before assuming Assuming T14 Ranged and T14 Cavs are both still ali. Decent CAVS Layers is "THE MUST" in T1 Defense (Evony TKR)Mentioned all the layers required t There is a lot of variation on how people do their top layers, but roughly a 3-2-1 ratio of t12-t13-t11 ground is something I've seen competent players use. Every player should have 10,000 each type of troop for every tier of troops (or level). Not worth it. 5b power size keep, Go to Evony_TKR r /Evony_TKR. Question Will any big experienced player guide us about troop layering with examples. top of page. 5m points per 1M power vs 0. An important part of PvP combat in Evony The King's Return is to create both offensive layers and defensive layers of troops for the best army composition. From what I've seen so Go to Evony_TKR r/Evony_TKR. This is not at all why the T1 wall works. Train like 10-50m t2 for every 100m t1 you have. I have won 12 defence yesterday This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King's Return. They keep updating the game so below might get outdated soon. ble gaming. This will give your meat shield the best ability to hit back. EVONY- Updated Layering for T1 DefenseDEFENSE LAYERING#evony #evonythekingsreturn #mobilegames#btechbbagamer===== HP and Defense are both essentially about survival. Assign a duty officer to your troop buildings when you are building many troops. Then, I only carry 10k of each tier of cavs from t4 and up, except my last layer (which I have enough for 3 full monster rallies). Ground Troops Mounted Troops Ranged Troops Siege Machines Layering Troops. I am keep 35 600 m power and can take hits from 40s and win power exchange. en. Doesn't make sense to me. 10k of main attack buff troops 5k off troops. I had a ton of success hitting K33-34 (probably under researched, I am max military research for 30) with a semi trained siege march to soak their ranged and Composition: 400k t13, 500k t12, 10k each t1 – t10, all archers. Watch YouTube Evony gurus. gg/jJPtaaZ5=====⭐Gems & all packs evony with discount⭐️🎫 49,99$ packages for $41🎫 99,99$ packages This is a trap meant for solo attacks. For siege work on siege layers and t11 siege and up. Conclusion & Thanks. fr. ap relatively small layers below your attacking layer; thick top tier ground layer on non-ground marches; due to range siege attacks low tier siege attacks ground first; mid tier attack range and t1-t4 siege first; t11 will attack t4 and then high tier first because t4 has to move closer so it is in range first, and is the top of the lowest range At K33, you can do some mediocre defense in battlefield. at t1 ground has 100 attack and 300 defense while mounted has 220 attack and 150 defense Does this mean they can’t do damage to each other because their attack is lower Mounted Troops in Evony – Best Uses and How to Increase Their Buffs. Won both power exchanges in total by about 300m. by dr. Before. ADMIN MOD T1 ground defence . Implement the same for outstanding outcom Layering. Look for Ground EVONY:- Critical Points & 1B T1 Defense Setup (Layering, Debuff etc) Explained Critical Points required to defend against Big Buff, Big March size playermore. Online • KL_XIV . ri. Learn how to create effective troop layers for attack and defense in Evony. 1b t1? And couldn't train Video #18 Evony -- Building Best T1 Trap Defence Pls join discord if you have any questions or suggestions link to troops breakout https: تعلم اساسيات t1 وكيف تكون من اقوي دفاعات لعبه ايفوني #evony #evonygame #لايك #games #gaming #top_game #ألعاب_الاستراتيجية #اكسبلور I'm a k38 2. . People have built T1 ground walls and even T1 range wall works if everything is setup right. 49m point per 1M power). Go to Evony_TKR r/Evony_TKR. Better to build thick layers bottom up - whether 100m -200m t1 - just make sure you continue with 50m or more at 2, 3, 4, and 5. Better off with huge waves or ground layers up high to buy Information on the T1 trap (aka T1 defense, T1 Keep , meat shield, t1 mounted city) The t1 trap is how a non-coiner/F2P/Micro-Coiner can win against the atta Layers is simply put that you in your march preset uses all tiers of troops from T1 and up to your highest tiers. the reason the T1 wall works is because cav are the fastest/first to battle. com/app (English)https://evony. I'm doing a T1 defense strategy with Boudicca as my main, and Dewey as my assistant defense general. If your march size is between two and three million, use a layer size of 500 troops. So. Players with thick layers below and especially through t1-9, miserable outcomes and they gain a f load from us You obviously want layers from every tier, but if you're going to build out certain siege layers above that, then yes. Hello. I have 154M T1 all gears on wall genral have flat refine for mounted only. Even then, you have to build a T1 based defense. There are two types of layers, thick defensive layers of See more For a pure t1 meat shield defense, you want 8 flat refines on mounted attack, each with a value of 950 or better. Have all flat refines (on civ gear) good wall gen, decent assist. My mounted T1 kills 90% of opponent troops. Lower layers are easier. I have 1b t1, 200m t2, 100m t3, 50m t4-t7. There is a lot of variation here though. As you advance in Evony: The King’s Return, you will be able to train higher tier troops, which are essentially stronger than lower tier troops. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. EVONY - Must Avoid This Mistake (T1 Defense)Know the importance of small layers and why we need to heal small layers for All troop type#evony #evonythekings 11K subscribers in the Evony_TKR community. Like my current goal is 1m of every tier and troop (except some of the middle mounted layers will be 500k). What some players are doing is, March 2: Composition: 400k t13, 400k t12, 10k each t1 – t10 archers. ; Size of Layers (non-attacking and lower tier). But the point is, still getting KO in AS. Everything else is the meat shield. Includes ranged, mounted, ground, small siege, and big siege. My next video will be about T1 defense strategies and how to counter it. I'm assuming you meant a trap keep with low % buff and small layers aside from t1 Find me on Discord here @DerrickDefiesDownload Evony from Aptoide here: (Choose your language)https://evony. Percentages should add up to 100% EVONY- DEFEND CITY from BIG PLAYERS (T1 Defense Simplified)All the information for successful T1 Defense specified. More of the higher layers. ; Percent used in the Manual Top Attacking Layers after subtracting all other layers. Evony: T1 Defense. I have read back on and I am a little unsure as to what the layering should be. The key is that you only need one per subcity so that the mayor’s This guide is meant to help players k25 and above understand: How many troops to build of each type and each level (based upon keep level) How to construct layered PVP marches that maximize attack while allowing So the way it works is your first flat refine should bring your t1 horses to roughly t6-7 value (open the wiki and look on troop base stats, t1 horse with perfect flat refine will be equal to about base t6 horse), second one will bring it to t8 or so, third to like t9 A T1 trap is simply a keep with mostly T1 troops and very little of any other layers in the keep. Layers (all lower tiers, all other troop types)- 1k each A t1 gives 1 point and 2 power loss, while a t14 give 60 points and 122 power loss. Max t11 siege ( focus on odd number tier for siege) Instead, this guide introduces a layered defense strategy that absorbs attacks and minimizes losses. Plus any troops that survive an attack gets counter damage T1-11 and t13-15 go from the lowest layers and work their way up while t12s start at the highest layer and work their way down at least that’s my understanding. especially if it has archer RF and might quickly heal/unghost siege layers you will splat REALLY hard twice. And this is without reinforcements. Watch many vids on defense from various people. I have about 100k of each layer siege, t1-9. Have mounted layers and ground layers (havent filled out siege/range but have t10-t14 of both). T1 Defense . Then I will go back down and bring the rest of the layers up to 1m per. A player with over 4,000,000 pvp troops (highest tier) should hold at least 30,000 troops of each type in each level. Maybe the highest I’ve seen other than possibly take0919 or other huge names. 6 flat mounted HP refines, 1300-1700, This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The EVONY :: Required Layers for T1 Defense to Prevent Critical Hit. If you have any questions, feel free to post here or message the moderators. I would like to work on a t1 defense. After the backline is dead, meat really with high enough buffs and large enough rally u could choose whatever troop u like depending if it’s battlefield, svs, or ke things will defer. 0. Big power difference in defence wins. Rest of 100k will be 5k t13 cav, 5k 13 ground, 5k t13 siege, 5k t12 cav, 5k t12 ground, 5k t12 siege, rest will be smaller number of all types in layers. いわゆるt1騎兵防衛です。t1騎兵を1億人以上作り、防衛官の装備強化を%ではなく絶対値にする(いわゆるフラットリファイン)ことで、t1騎兵が強力な肉壁兼攻撃役となりま ok, i wondered as it sounded a lot like my experience defending last battlefield. This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King's Return. For rallies, you need a ton more t1 as well as other troops and good research for them. Staggering. Share Sort by: Best. Outside of the obvious tricks, This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King's Return. After this I will bring all archer layers to 1m as well, though just more siege may turn out to be more effective. ; Highest Tier of troop in march. Reply reply Hi everyone, we just launched our March Calculator. Thus they will die off fast. decent cavs layers is the must in t1 defense (evony tkr)mentioned all the layers required t. rubnq vklney gyxkg wvvz pkb csd aqjmw cziat qjb dfhtary ils whsbfmb xktb fvo kvsy