Fps drops in blizzard games.
Had constant 119 FPS playing with everything in low in 4K.
Fps drops in blizzard games Its seems bad in Valdrakken, where the FPS may drop to around 45-54FPS when facing the fountain area I consider my PC to be very good and that it should run WoW without much issue but whenever I enter combat in a group, be it in raids or M+ and especially when there are FPS drops to 50-60 in the new raid and game stutters. So I restored my computer to an earlier point where I hadn’t even touched the dynamic tick. My computer and my friends’ computers are gaming and are in good condition. After that, I reboot and everything works fine again (170FPS). Any ideas what I can do to get better FPS ? I have a 5800X3D and 4080 and will still get an FPS range of 45 - 90 in the busy area of Dornogal. Now i drop to 80 even 70 lowest being 60 on new game mode. Really any time more than ~18 people are around. Specs: RTX 3070 Ryzen 5 5600x 32 GB DDR4 RAM I have tried the following without success Turn graphics settings to low Revert graphics card driver to previous versions (was up to date) Check internet connection - stable. But I drop to the 90-100s when playing on New Junk City for example. It’s not the fault of all the hardware, settings or driver configuration. Despite setting the maximum FPS to 60 to match my 4K monitor’s refresh rate, I noticed significant fluctuations in the 99th% FPS, often dropping below 50 FPS(20-30). I changed some settings and I disabled dynamic tick, after doing that I started lagging. Is this normal or is my CPU dying? (Every other game works fine but WoW) Lately been getting 60-70fps in dungeons too Had easily 120-160fps before patch 11. dll to a different directory Step 4: Rename Since the latest patch in Season 14, my game has become nearly unplayable due to significant frame drops. I’ve tried Quick Play, and it’s not nearly as bad but still often has fps drops and stutters. Is there a fix to where i can just have my constant fps from the beginning? Idk why it only started now, i even I’m not sure what is causing thisbut even with all of my addons disabled my fps plummets to the teens in instanced areas but runs 60+ in the open world It was fine yesterday but as of today it has been complete crap I updated my graphics card driver prior to gaming today so i figured that might be the issuebut im even having trouble with the old driver as well For some reason recently with no changes to my computer specs, and fully fresh updates on my drivers and everything, lately everytime i launch overwatch my first two games have me at really low fps and suddenly its shoots back up to my normal high fps. Low fps with rtx 2080 ~30 FPS on a GTX 1060 GB. It fixes after I launch the game again, but it’s a major issue. 0 GB (15. If I load up Training range or Deathmatch the game runs fine and I get the usual fps I have been getting for the last 2 years of playing on this laptop. Happens in menu, hero selection and in game Competitive with friends was no more. Before this new Starwatch patch I had a stable 60fps. I’ve had issues with low FPS basically since I installed WoW on this computer but I just always ignored it since I feel like this game is still playable with low fps. In the last 3-4 days, my friends and I haven’t been able to play. I can have the lowest graphics settings and still have a choppy game. lowest graphic settings deleting Hi there, Had no issues on server slam or open beta. Combat in proximity of other Hi, I have problem with performance. It takes a lot to load up the models/maps, my 60 FPS goes to 30 → 20 → 60 → 50 → 9 → 45->60->30, etc. It takes a lot to load up the models/maps, my 60 Relevant System Specs: -144hz Gsync compatible monitor -CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 -GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1660 Super (MSI Ventus XS Overclocked edition) -RAM: 16GB Issue Summary: Often, when I select a unit to build, especially at the beginning of a match, I get large frame drops from 60fps to around 40fps. Other games work flawlessly, with 95-99% gpu usage. They are just addressing these issues now. The game runs at 60FPS finally, although the menu is still Hi. Its a horrible experience and ruins the game. Thing’s that i have tried: Reinstalled windows Reinstalled all the drivers Reinstalled the game Whenever im in valdrakken or newer content from DF expac, everything works fps wise. Lag is noticeably reduced by turning off Hardware Acceleration in Discord. Capped at 60fps GTX 970. xx driver and installed the 457. I’ve only played qp With any other game I have no issue with fps drops like this. This happens on both DX11 and DX12. Also Raids and busy open world content too. Had constant 119 FPS playing with everything in low in 4K. If the game is set to 128 channels and your soundcard only has the ability to play 32 simultaneous channels or “voices”, there is post-processing that is required to “mix” sounds together so they can all play with the maximum 32 voice channels. Anyone else on EU having trouble with this issue? I know there has been a bug logged on the US side, but can’t seem to log So, for the past few weeks now, I’ve been having the issue that Overwatch keeps having random framedrops. It sounds like a clue to what’s wrong. im locked at 1 44 and get terrible FPS on medium My Spec- Ryzen 5600X 3080ti 24gb RAM Guys this is what fixed the annoying fps drops in Valdrakken for me. Whenever I move my mouse, my FPS drops along with the speed of which I move my mouse. More and more players are giving feedback on FPS issues The 1. The actual average has not changed just drops that ruin the experience. But as soon as we start the fight my FPS drop to 50-60 which is basically unenjoyable. 1 Tried everything. I have been experiencing performance issues with Diablo 4 on my system, which includes an Intel Core i9-11900F and an AMD RX 9070 XT. Everything is fine until you use your right mouse button to re-position the camera when flying, then fps drops to almost 1 fps. When I join a match, everything runs smoothly for the first few seconds, but then the FPS drops below 40, causing severe stuttering and lag. Makes the game unplayable. I played the game out, and in the middle of the game my FPS somehow got to 170, Hey! Yesterday I was playing World of Warcraft normally with minimum lag, then I found this guy on instagram that said “if you want to increase your fps” do this. Random fps drops. 9800x3d, 4090, 32 gb ram. Update: I finally gotten around to playing with affinity cores. 36 is also much For some reason recently with no changes to my computer specs, and fully fresh updates on my drivers and everything, lately everytime i launch overwatch my first two games have me at really low fps and suddenly its shoots back up to my normal high fps. Now it still exists in Naxxramas. It’s been dropping from 144 to around 60 FPS in every match, constantly, which is making my game look like a slideshow. If I was uncapped I would be getting over 100+ (I leave it capped at 70 to make sure I have 0 temp There is no way this is a hardware issue. (playing ranked matches) Also, sometimes it is combined with the terrible stuttering of all the sound! It is horrible. Everytime I face the enemies team mates, my FPS drops from 150 to 80. I mean i’m playing with everything in low with that kind of setup the game should run flawlessly. Net in Administrator Mode (This did it for me) NVidia Control Panel set to “Maximum Performance” just for overwatch SOLVED! Holy moly! I can’t belive it thanks a lot mate, it worked. Extreme frame drop after June 20 patch. 36. Something is wrong with this patch, all this happened Hello. Hey all i am a complete novice when it comes to computers so ill do my best to explain what started happening recently: I bought my laptop for about $1300 last summer and it was performing real well was even able to stream and play at same time. This update introduced something bad that will need to be addressed by Blizzard/NVidia/AMD but for now this is what you can try. Guess I’m not playing for some time again. Im I have to say that some other visual effects drop FPS on my PC but it’s been getting much, much worse and it’s especially bad this season since Mauga was added. Before the new update I was able to run the game at 240 fps smoothly and now I can’t even run it at My fps drop definitely comes from Overwatch suddenly starting Use the --tank_WorkerThreadCount x command line option in the game options in the Blizzard Launcher to limit the game to x threads where x is the number of your Limit max framerare via in-game settings to either your screen refresh rate or to like 60-80 whatever lower: check if the drops will be smaller; Run userbenchmark before WoW and while in slow FPS conditions - check which component percentile drops the most - sometimes may pin-point a problem Up to today, when I updated the NVIDIA drivers to 522. Recently (week or so ago) and i brought up to my guilds discord and they told me to check out task manager to see This past month or so I’ve been having bad FPS drops and I’m not sure what to do about it. Combat in proximity of other Since the latest patch in Season 14, my game has become nearly unplayable due to significant frame drops. The only think that changed was the NVDIA driver update I did this morning to 522. When im out questing/exploring I go over 60 fps easily. I checked my network performance and it looks good, it’s For some reason, whenever I enter the western portion of the Korthia map (Windswept Aerie), my FPS drops from 60 to 25ish. When I build something, or destroy a building my game will freeze and appears to drop to 0 FPS briefly. 0. Also, the area above Sinfall where the ember court takes place drops my FPS really low too. I tried going over ISP change, all the technical stuff and opening blizzard support tickets and all they said it’s on sony’s or my side/ISP. The game used to run perfectly in the beta phase but now I am having more issues as compared to earlier. I tried to find out if it´s my PC, but I never found any reason, it happens for me ONLY in Ocerwatch and my friends told me they have the same problem. I’ve noticed a significant FPS drop with todays patch of about 20-25 fps. Sometimes as bad as 5-7 fps which makes the game unplayable. Now the game is unplayable, screen freezes and frame rate drops to <5 every 5 seconds. 5. Any help would be appreciated. No overcloking and no problem in any other games. I am having fps drops and freezing issues in Overwatch 2. Is there a fix to where i can just have my constant fps from the beginning? Idk why it only started now, i even Hi, I’ll keep it short and concise. I choosed the “new installation-checkbox” and it de-installed the 461. Got a RTX 2080 and i7-8700 so hardware shoulnt be a problem Im on a laptop with these specifications. The more channels your system has to mix down, the more 8/18/2022 I’ve been having a stuttering problem since the latest Windows, Driver, and WoW updates. The ball’s in their court to So even a few days before 9. As the title says, I’m having a lot of FPS drops in Overwatch 2, and I cannot understand why. I7 11700k RTX 3080TI 32GB ram. This sound problem occurs far less then the FPS drops. Every 10-15 seconds or so I’ll get an fps “stutter” where the fps drops slightly for seemingly no reason. Than, middle of the game, FPS go to 20 again and stay there. RTX 2070 i5-9600K 16 GB DDR4 1440p. I have detailed the “Work Around” or Solution below. FPS go from 144 to like 40 or even worse. I move quickly (You know, with the kind of speed that PvE and PvP scenarios require), the FPS drops dramatically, making the screen jump around, which is very The new wraith mount that drops from the Beledar rare seems to have massive fps issues when Sky Riding with it. Why? Game is not smooth anymore, Im having serious fps drops both inside arenas and outside in the open world. 09 afterwards. Constant FPS drops recently started. However, when I removed the FPS cap, the 99th% FPS The laptop runs at 60 fps with graphics slider set to 6 but drops to 15-10 fps on swirlies and the desktop runs at 75 fps (Capped) with slider set to 10 and drops to 20 fps on swirlies. Every new product and add-on to the base game deepens the problem related to performance. Several members of the forum have said they had issues with CoD and some Steam games, as well. Turning off addons does not change anything, reloading does nothing either. Also the game seems to run very poorly, when I use earthquake with Thrall frames drop to about 10. Sitting in Valdrakken I can barely hold 60 fps with constant dips into 40-50s. i have a 3090 and have lowered a few settings already just to see is there anything specific to stop this? or everyone gets the frame drops during big aoe in arena now? Overwatch Blizzard/Developer Post Directory - Last Updated: 9/12/2019. txt paste this into the file: SET Dear technical support, As the title says, I’m having a lot of FPS drops in Overwatch 2, and I cannot understand why. Most settings don’t save after being applied, and the message So generally when doing nothing I have 80-100 fps. 36 version was updated in May 2023, and since then, FPS has been significantly lower than the 1. Most of the time my game would play very smooth, with ~120 FPS on high graphics settings. I have 10 more games on my pc with zero issue on them. Installed new graphics driver, disabled all addons, all the ingame graphics set Dear technical support, Since in my last post no one could help me out (I'm having massive FPS drops in Overwatch 2 - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums) I’m creating this post hoping to get the attention I need. I don’t know if this is an issue from my end or wow is not optimized for I’m not sure what is causing thisbut even with all of my addons disabled my fps plummets to the teens in instanced areas but runs 60+ in the open world It was fine yesterday but as of today it has been complete crap I updated my graphics card driver prior to gaming today so i figured that might be the issuebut im even having trouble with the old driver as well Hi everyone, I am experiencing very low FPS since the War Within Expansion dropped. 35 level on the same map, CPU, and graphics card. Is there a fix to where i can just have my constant fps from the beginning? Idk why it only started now, i even I’m not sure what is causing thisbut even with all of my addons disabled my fps plummets to the teens in instanced areas but runs 60+ in the open world It was fine yesterday but as of today it has been complete crap I updated my graphics card driver prior to gaming today so i figured that might be the issuebut im even having trouble with the old driver as well Hi everyone, I am experiencing very low FPS since the War Within Expansion dropped. After ~15 seconds with no interaction, they are dropping to 3-5, then to 15-20 and that’s all. When OW2 came out I had a lot of microstutters and ended up quitting because I could not solve my problem. edit* Noticing this in Kyovishad, tree of whispers and ruins of rakhat which are all waypoint areas. FPS drops to 50-60 in the new raid and game stutters. Isnt suppose blizzard to step up and fix it, instead of giving random advice for do this and do that,because your normaly working pc can have issue after the stuff First off Im really enjoying the game, but I did notice last night that I was getting drastic drops from 125FPS to 40FPS or less. 🤔 I assumed it was another buggy WoW patch so I waited. yes ,amd question If not, it’s a problem with version 1. But lately, it’s starting to annoy me since I can run other AAA games in max settings with decent If I minimize Overwatch and then open it again, I experience impossible FPS drops, down to 15 with 3 dots, as it shows ingame. Im pretty sure it’s not my system but the game, Im hoping someone can provide a answer or workaround. Most settings don’t save after being applied, and the message I’ve been experiencing severe FPS drops in battlegrounds, with my FPS dipping to 20 or below even in small PvP encounters (3-4 players). My specs are I have an i7-7700hq, 16 GBS of ram, GTX 1050 ti. Every time there is one in the match, or even worse two, the FPS drops are frequent and can be very bad. This sometimes happens in other games too where my GPU isn’t being used that much but FPS drops occur anyway. 09 driver. Dropping the graphics slider to 1 strangely makes no difference on both pc’s. My specs are: RTX 3060 Ti 32 GB RAM i5-12400f 2560x1440p Resoultion Inside a raid or dungeon I get around 200 FPS. Crank it up to 64, repeat 128, repeat, and so on until you start seeing noticeable spikes in CPU usage and drops in Hey, I have like 70-80fps in whole Undermine region with drops to 60fps. 5GbE LAN, 4 PCIe x16, 6 SATA3, 2x M. It seems to be pretty limited to these 2 areas mainly, although there are some other random spots around the Shadowlands and Oribos Try dropping your sound channels to a lower setting. There is still no ETA on the solution to this problem. And I’m not talking about the framerate dropping by like 20-30 or something, or normal fluctuations, but the game will literally just freeze for half a second to a second, before resuming. When does the problem occur? Players loading into view. Shows up as SIM spikes above 200ms in the Netgraph as well, but Hi everyone, I really hope theres someone out there who has a solution for my issue. Problem is with the drivers. Here is my pastebin of DXDIAG: ------------------System Information------------------ Time of this r - Pastebin. Pink mercy “update” also did not fix the issue which fixed the issue for a lot of PlayStation users. I tried almost i used to get 200+ FPS all the time in arena this xpac UHDK goes, SP void explosions, lock portals, mage aoe crap, all the pets, random drop my FPS to like 20 in arena its really annoying. However, since this last patch whenever I try playing 20man mythic raiding my fps seems to drop to around 2 at the start of every boss Dungeons in TWW are just killing my FPS whenever im in combat attacking large groups of mobs. Specs Alright so this started happening shortly after the anniversary update, in Quick play and competitive my fps drops from 155+ to 100 or lower and it’s very frustrating and laggy. Jatarri-zuljin Around the time of the most recent Windows update the game has been hitching / micro freezing / delays / choppy. 3 Likes. 59 GHz Installed RAM 16. So to explain further; Fps is always stable in 5 mans and open world Fps drops from 120+ to about 40-50 when near 5+ players, The main issue here is raiding, especially in ZG / bwl to a lesser degree in MC but still noticeable I don’t have fps drops in games like csgo for example, or in single The game has extremely unplayable FPS drops since the recent update, nothing seems to fix it. Wen leveling and questing I have above 160fps. All drivers are updated Hello i am experiencing this issue in overwatch. Details: I’ve owned the game for a few weeks now FPS drops to 2 in CO-OP with CP load 31% GPU 2% Most of new games have tech issue, i get that, but i dont get since im person with knowledge, why ppl give advice to reset uefi , unistall 3rd party etc etc. Also the mouse is not working anymore. OW2 was able to easily maintain 144hz with graphics settings fully maxed out at Ultra @1440p. Do the stutter go away? If yes then you are dealing with the same loading issue I struggled for the past 2 months. Can anybody confirm this (PC)? The problem was introduced with the Lifeguard Skins update. I have un-playable massive fps drops since the pre-patch event (2 days ago). Other players no longer fade in. 8/28/2022 Problem still exists. Now OW2 struggles to maintain 20+fps at 1440p Ultra settings and when I change them to The last few patches have made this issue way worse. I have all drivers up to date. The game runs well initially, but suddenly the FPS drops to 30, staying consistently between 20 and 40 FPS. As the title says. CPU usage is around 15-20%. Seems odd since my computer isn’t necessary some potato. g. patch landed, the game was dropping in fps randomly. 1 Did some update broken the game performance once again or is it my side? I have i5 13600KF, 32GB RAM and 4070Ti Super I’m having the same issue. I use v-sync so its capped at 60, but randomly drops to 30 - 20 fps sometimes, especially in cities. I have disabled all addons except for Plater and Bartender 4, but the issue persists. I move the mouse very slowly and carefully around the screen, the FPS is fine. Thank you for all the patience about it. 1 I play at 4k resolution and capped FPS at 59 fps, because I don’t need more, and caped FPS keeps temperatures at max 70C and that makes system nice and quiet problem is FPS drop to 20fps in any zone alt tab , then back into game and it goes back to 60 fps, then after some time it drops Hello there, I needed some help from you guys. My game is locked at 100fps and this stays constant until there’s a lot of mobs on screen. Info from players did help to narrow it down significantly, yet it may still take some time to fix it completely. Yes, nuking 50+ mobs at once will definitely lower your FPS. It’s like a trojan horse, while being normal in menus, it’s absolutely impossible to play when the match starts, I have to abandon by alt+F4. In the meantime, disabling sound in game does seem to be a workaround for many of I got this problem after today’s update, my fps are 80+ always have been like taht for month, but now when I open Character info C, more specifically when I get my mouse over an item set ofr descripcion the screen get glitched/frozen for a second, also when I’m selecting azerite traits on gear, is this an in-game problem or maybe jst me? and what could it be I’m currently running the game on an i9 12900k, maximus z790 hero with a 1080ti and 64GB RAM. It’s an HP Omen with a GTX 965M and 12GB of Got same issue. It´s sudden, unexpected and makes the game unplayable sometimes. Choosing cores 1 and 7 like in this video fixed the problem for me, at least for now. 8 GB usable) Graphic card: NVIDIA Around the time of the most recent Windows update the game has been hitching / micro freezing / delays / choppy. No other games are causing problems, so I believe the issue is on your end. Now its 58-65. First off Im really enjoying the game, but I did notice last night that I was getting drastic drops from 125FPS to 40FPS or less. 50GHz [Turbo 5. i have a rtx 2080 i9-9900k@ 3. In version 1. It seems like the game CPU: Intel® CoreTM Processor i9-11900KF 8/16 3. My in game settings are the same, Fullscreen Ultra preset. I think that it gets the worst when he uses his E ability (the life-steal) and his Ultimate. I’m assuming the new seasonal assets are causing some sort of performance issue. I can’t switch to discord or a browser . I had a friend with years older hardware streaming himself playing well above 60 fps in raids and in heavily populated areas. Unfortunately nothing ive read here or googled, seem to help. Strange fps drop in game on good pc. It’s mostly only bad in the Starwatch event game mode, it’s unplayable. Blizzard hasn’t changed anything about the way the game interacts with drivers, the only thing that has changed is nVidia’s driver. This problem appears only in Capture the Flag and in all Quickplay modes. I was having issues with massive framerate drops since the beta. M+ is fine tho, 150+ fps with everything maxed out. I’ve followed many FPS improvement guides which have certainly helped but just feels like WoW has bad optimization. In deathmatch or other modes I dont have any FPS drops and can easily hold the 150FPS cap (Even if the lobbys are full and I face more than one enemie, my FPS dont drop). 25. 8 GB usable) Graphic card: NVIDIA Hi, I’ll keep it short and concise. Today I got an update for Overwatch, automatically installed it. I would get a consistent 35 while afking and 28 when im running around. Also scrolling the map seems to be really glitchy with it jumping around and frames dropping. com Hi All, I used to play this game all the time and had zero issues with OW1. 71 or 457. I hope this helps in permanently fixing this issue Step 1: Download Heros of the Storm Step 2: Go to where its installed: “Example” D:\Program Files (x86)\Heroes of the Storm\Support64 Step 3: Copy fmodex64_4_44_23. Attempted fixes without fixing the Releasing the VOH add-on in such poor quality is an obvious and calculated practice by Blizzard. Before update everyting ran smooth and my fps was rarely under 110. Also improved my fps in dungeons without causing any visual changes. I tried other games and they run fine. But, whenever im in ANYTHING older than DF expac, the game goes directly to 60 fps, and its locked there no matter what i do. That includes : -Playing without AddOns / Reinstalling them all -Deleting WoW completely / Reinstalling Hello there, I used to game for years on a laptop and I switched about 1 year ago to my first gaming computer. They do not make an effort in this matter. i9-11900H 16G 8GB DDR4-3200 1TB SSD RTX 3060 I’m having massive frame drops. Just bought a new laptop Lenovo 5 R7 8845HS / 16GB RAM / 512GB SSD / RTX 4060 running around a world everything is fine,but when i start any raid boss, FPS drops to like 15-35 ,everything is on low graphics? Was playing DF with old Acer 5 pc and didn’t had such a big FPS drops this TWW is something difference lol. I’ve tried: deleting all addons scanning/repairing the game updating and reinstalling drivers changing DirextX to legacy , 11, or 12. This is ridiculous Suddenly (for some months now) the FPS freezes for like a second and the whole gameplay is ruined. Okay i see many people having this problem so i will try to explain in detail what is happening and Guys, try to endure the first 2 rounds. 2 things that fixed it for me: Run Battle. We had the same bug a while ago and they released a fix within a few minutes. 6 ghz 32 gb raM for software, i have Nvidia GeForce experience installed as well as razyer synapse for my hardware When i first built my rig i was able to get up to 300 Fps at ultra setting but over the course of the year since i built it. I raided BfD the other day and was around a whopping 5fps. But I still have low This subject was discussed also on our US forum with some more detailed reply here. 09 driver and installed it. I set the ghraphics to the lowest, and even then the game stuttered badly. But whenever there’s a “cinematic” cutscene — e. I’m having low fps (around 80 fps) on a newly built high-end PC when playing WoW Cataclysm: 32 GB of Ram DDR5 Ryzen 5 9600x CPU RT 9070 XT GPU M. Enabling any other addons makes the game nearly unplayable due to lag. The game is not optimized, it never was. But this is even happening with packs of 6-7 mobs, and I’ve seen it go as low as 60 while fighting. After finishing the match and going into another game, the fps drop persists until I reset the game. Open world Important: If you are using an unsupported OS or unsupported system, participating in this thread will probably not help you and will add unnecessary noise. Now I’m getting huge unstable FPS drops going down to 5fps and stuttering/freezing. A ton of FPS drop making the game barely playable. Im running a 4080 and using DLSS quality, my CPU is a 5900X, and I have 32GB of memory. Apparently I’m only Hi, since the latest patch today, i have extreme low fps in the menu’s and in the game itself. Some things I’ve done to try and fix this issue: Updated all drivers Scanned & repaired in Bnet client Lowered graphics (most are medium or lower, with Same issue, please Blizzard at least ackowledge the issue and let us know you are working on it. Didn’t play for a couple weeks all that much but game has always been smooth. Also it seems to be on only this character the other alt has not done Korthia yet #Edit Thanks to Keen we I too get slapped with completely random insane frame drops, I have an RTX 3080, 32GB of CL32 DDR 6400mhz ram, game is installed on an PCIe gen 4 NVME drive, my CPU is an AMD 9750X3D. The recent patch appears to have broken the video settings. I tried disabling every addon, updated drivers, I was thinking of overheating and cleaned the dust from the fans. Since last update I get frequent fps drops to around 40fps up to 1 second and characters seems to teleport. 2 SSD Motherboard tomahawk b650 Settings are max, except ray tracing shadows which are disabled. Recently, I’ve noticed that playing on a flash point map in quick play has resulted in my game dropping 100+ fps. I run all settings maxed except for shadow quality which is taken down one step and I get pretty much 150-165 (max monitor refresh rate) until I get a frame drop where So generally when doing nothing I have 80-100 fps. Instead there is hitching and they pop in. I run all settings maxed except for shadow quality which is taken down one step and I get pretty much 150-165 (max monitor refresh rate) until I get a frame drop where the game as the issues only happen in blizzard games. I have disabled all addons except for Have you ever experienced a sudden drop in frames per second (FPS) while playing your favorite games? If so, you’re not alone. Dornogal 120+ fps even during peak. I have tried changing between directx 11 and 12, fiddling with graphic settings and nothing helps. The problem persists throughout the computer until the game and launcher is closed. I downloaded Nvidia’s 457. And it is, but only in first 15 seconds in game. I can’t do Started with 9. Surely this has to get fixed soon? Thank you Asfx for finding a temporary solution. I play on a Dell G5 laptop with the following specs: Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-9750H CPU @ 2. My laptop HP Omen 15 (R5 4600h, 1660 TI, 16 GB RAM, 512 SSD) should play game in high graphic settings in fhd above 60 fps. I have deleted my interface and tried testing in things like outdoor raid bosses and warfronts and I’m still getting noticeable FPS drops down to 10-12fps. They are saying to turn off filter and photo mode but I don’t run that junk and I’m still having issues with screen tearing and graphical glitches including the game alt tabbing itself every few minutes with a brand new MacBook Pro M4 Pro 24GB memory 512GB SSD macOS 15. Not sure if this would happen in any other version of the game cause I don’t currently raid in any other one. Although, periodically I was experiencing moments where either my screen would freeze or my frames would drop My 110-130 FPS drops significantly during boss fights and other high-action scenarios, often ranging between 20-40 FPS despite lowering all in-game settings, including Since The war within my fps has gone down like crazy! and this new patch made it even more laggy, something is wrong with ur game and its not addons or my setup i have For everyone who has issues with FPS drops, I found the solution! And it's simple - just turn off render scale (set it to default 100%) and turn off FidelityFX Super Resolution. Then, i started Overwatch as administrator and it just works now - i tried eeeeverything till here so again thank you giving u a badge 🥳 EDIT I’m encountering an issue where I get fps drops within every ten seconds on sod in gnomeregan, in combat or not. Turning down graphics wont help. 1GHz] 16MB Cache LGA1200 [w/o Integrated Graphic] GPU: GeForce RTXTM 3080 10GB GDDR6X (Ampere) [VR Ready] (Single Card) MOBO: MSI Z590 PRO WiFi CEC ATX, ARGB, WiFi 6, 2. GPU usage drops to below 10% at times. To establish a base line, start out with an in game setting of 32 channels, get into a big fight (higher greater rift) to cause a bunch of audio sounds to play. This has happened since ive updated to 10. Other games work I’ve been experiencing severe FPS drops in battlegrounds, with my FPS dipping to 20 or below even in small PvP encounters (3-4 players). Fps goes crazy at pulls, and when theres blizzard, and alot of aoe going on. AdvancedInterfaceOptions addon → Cvar browser → search for “gx” and then set GxAllowCachelessShaderMode to “0” or open your WoW folder directory and under Retail > WTF > Config. the party the villagers throw for you, your character’s vision in the chapel, encountering the hermit, — my Hi, ever since the WOTLK Prepatch i have massive fps drops in raids, that included Sunwell too at that time. Howdy! I’m just trying to figure out what the problem is that i’m having. Same story back in Valdrakken. When playing other modes, I sit around 200-300 fps. Wich makes the game unplayable. 3. When starting up the game, I played for 5 minutes and boom, my fps suddenly drop to 20 fps. My system is more I too get slapped with completely random insane frame drops, I have an RTX 3080, 32GB of CL32 DDR 6400mhz ram, game is installed on an PCIe gen 4 NVME drive, my CPU is an AMD 9750X3D. Sometimes I can play good and after 3 games the fps start freezing. Was also wondering about the performance difference between the two in other scenarios, as I It happens only sometimes, but only in OW. Also when in menues there is a long waiting time with a black screen when navigating FPS drops for me which started within the past few days. I’m already playing with the lowest graphics/video settings, disabled all background apps, repaired the game and nothing. 2 SATA/PCIe CPU/AIO COOLER: CyberPowerPC DEEPCOOL UPDATE: FOUND A SOLUTION, IT WAS NVIDIA DRIVERS roll back to the 456. This is kinda a double question but I was just wondering if its normal for my game to drop fps consistently around cities, this mainly started in Dragonflight and ever since ive had FPS drops from 116 down to 80s or sometimes even 60s. This happens in campaign game installed on a HDD I don’t know if it is CPU or RAM related, but I know that it isn’t GPU related because just 25% of it is being used while gaming and doesn’t exceed the 4GB of VRAM. I have RX 6800 gpu and it runs on ultra details on 100+ fps no problem but every lets say 30 seconds i have these huge FPS drops (like 1-2 fps during that time) for several seconds. During the raid today, I disabled addons one by one like WA, Neatplates, and big wigs. Please resolve this, as it is unplayable. 25, I had no issues with FPS. Yeah the drops for me are from 142 to around 115 and sometimes less. 1 when I mouse over a players my frame rate drops by 30 fps for a split second causing stutter on the frame time it is only on alliance Players while NPCS and horde players are ok I also tried this out in classic / tbc classic and there is no issues. 60GHz 2. When I create a game, fps are ~80-85 fps in town. Usually the fps drop is only 3-4, but sometimes it drops sig PC Specs: CPU: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-13900KF GPU: RTX 3090 RAM: 32GB Kingston 6000Mhz So I’ve never had any issues with FPS in the past and everything works like a dream currently in M+ and in open world content. Many gamers face this issue, and it can My FPS will jump from 170 down to 50 or lower constantly, and often the game will completely freeze for a second or two with the audio cutting out too. My FPS in I’ve begun noticing some slight drops in the FPS on my game of late. Even in the boss room before pull I have stable ~200 FPS. 35, my AMD CPU runs well However, Intel CPU performance at 1. I decided to return to the game today because I miss playing OW and I still So I’ve been noticing frame drops when I have GeForce Experience running and I’ve noticed this for months. During regular gameplay I usually get ~140-160 FPS on high settings @ 1440p except when the game has to load in new assets, where it heavily stutters for a couple of seconds as others have already reported. But the new raid runs like poop? FPS is fine before the boss is Maybe that’s true for your collection of games, but that is definitely not the case for myself and other players. I don’t know if this is an issue from my end or wow is not optimized for AMD 5600x RX6800 Since the update I’ve been unable to play games due to consistent frame drops making the game not smooth for aiming or play in general. wnfaomzrxcbikojucsrrbnebkgxlrygmxslybbnsyqafkchuimfmlauxqnnvrudrgqkttymdrp