Klotz oil smell. Switched over to redline last year.
Klotz oil smell I don't think there is a 2-stroke oil in the US I haven't used and experimented with. you won't notice the difference standing in your garage with the sled running, but you will when you are following behind somebody when riding. Klotz Oil Smell (272) Uses external data. You may have excessive carbon build up in and around your exhaust valve and or piston ring(s) Klotz BeNOL racing castor oil is the ultimate in two-stroke racing lubrication. Klotz is a great oil and is all I use in my rotax sleds. Klotz Super TECHNIPLATE® synthetic 2-stroke premix oil is specially formulated to have a modern synthetic oil and a racing castor lubricant for wonderful lubrication and great I've gotten a wiff of ipone oil. 2007 800R Summit 144" A little this and that 9700 on a 600 sdi both had no troubles and now wondering if my new 2011 800 etec which calls for the fully synthetic oil will work as klotz factory in house rep said it will. 00 a gallon. JASO FD compliant Identifiable Klotz red color and racy scent Improves horsepower, throttle response and increases peak RPMs Clean burn technology eliminates carbon and residue Provides superior film strength of castor oil with clean burning characteristics of Klotz Synthetic Lubricants Identifiable Klotz red colorSmells like Klotz; Improves throttle response; Pre-mix only- not intended for oil injection . Castrol regular 2-strokeit's bad. klotz is notorious for gumming, and so are all other castors, so the smell comes with a cost i guess. Unmistakeable smell in a two stroke oil or 4 stroke fuel additive. Offers the protection of bean oil with the clean burn of synthetics. Iso-vibe Riser Chuckaroo Clutch Kit Big Thunder Performance tower brace. current price $51. and i think it has the best smell ever!. Joined Dec 29, 2011 to bolt up a mock joint, Looking at switching to a different oil, coming off of Klotz. Klotz has a sweet smell to it. This is about the SMELL anyway. Everywhere i see it is between 45-55 bucks a gallon. Radical. Polaris OEM VES – Best Full Synthetic 2-Cycle Snowmobile Engine Oil. My son runs Klotz Super Techniplate in his CR250. I have used amsoil interceptor but made a switch to Klotz for a better smell and heard it is very good oil. The klotz and Polaris VES oil smell the best. i was getting complaints from people i ride with my oil stinks! i was using the doo synthetic oil. Feb 5, 2018 #7 Be careful running good oil through the Comet, you may double its value. tig1. I also ran it in my 2 stroke snowblower in the winter Dont know about injector but I love the smell of KLOTZ--Link to comment Share on other sites. Save Quote. Do the headlights seek the tree line due to the saggy rear springs? Klotz has been around a looooooooong time and is a very high quality oil. North by Northwest The Great White NorthEh !. AS Supporting Member Original techniplate is probably the only Klotz oil I would consider running in a normal saw, well R50 worked well for Identifiable Klotz redSmells like Klotz. Reactions: Andyshine77. Clean Nothing like the smell of Klotz oil back in the seventees. It's good for racing high flash point like 927. I switched to klotz this year, smells WAY better than amsoil, just like race gas IMO. Posts. The smoke-free formula and great smell will ensure that Specially formulated to provide double the level of film strength and load-carrying capacity protection over conventional castor oils Extra fortified and a degummed blend of virgin castor oil Identifiable Klotz red colorSmells like Klotz Klotz oil is too complicated. Snowmobile racing was new and sexy. 927 still has some synthetic ester oil blended in with the caster oil, while Klotz Benol is 100% caster oil. If I wanted to Buy Klotz Oil Super Techniplate 2T Racing Oil - 1gal. There are better oils at controlling wear. I have been using Klotz techniplate which is 100% synthetic in all my 2 strokes. Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon : klotz has a long proven record of quality,i have used it for 30 years in all my tools and toys. The smell and sound of two-stroke engines, singing at high RPMs hung thick Klotz Supertechniplate. It just made my eyes burn and clothes smell. Klotz Super Techniplate - it's made with 20% castor oil (the stuff that Maxima 927 is made of), but smells even better. Think its related? I've gotten a wiff of ipone oil. The Klotz and 110 fuel should smell wonderful! 2019-2025 Polaris Snow Ambassador all the mercury races in my area only use klotz R50 @ 32-1 ratio. 24:1). Storage 3. The eyes burning and clothes smelling are just one of the awesome bonus' of Klotz! It's never bugged my eyes and haven't noticed the smell sticking to my clothesnow I feel like Most of the best smelling two stroke oils are a type of castor oil, but some just smell so much better than others. Joined Jan 3, 2009 Messages 15,216 Location Illinois. Klotz Benol and Maxima 927 both seperate at lower temps because they contain a high amount of caster oil. Joined Sep 25, 2004 Messages 9,985 Location Marshfield , MA. i use klotz r50 and think it smells like strawberry laundry soap lol, if you sniff the oil bottle it smells like strawberry cotton candy. I have had no problems with my sled so far. My 2 cents: Spend the extra bucks on a premium oil unless you are really strapped. Prevents rust and corrosion. 100% castor I mostly run Klotz supertechniplate or maxima 927 in my bikes. Jetting or not, it seems like the rec is 50:1 and if you are running lower for 'security' as in 40:1, that could be a problem. The smell and sound of two-stroke engines, singing at high RPMs hung thick in the air of Klotz Benol racing castor smells really good. Klotz has always been a solid performer. Klotz Supertechniplate is part castor, part synthetic and also smells really good. T. Praying for snow! Mistaken Media 2004. 9032 posts · Joined 2011 Add to quote; Only show this user #4 Klotz super techniplate is the sweetest smelling oil I've ever used. We happen to like it. I have used the IPONE scoot city oil 2-stroke semi synthetic with strawberry smell. It smells like --gross! Link to comment Share on other sites. Who has the best smelling 2 stroke sled oil? I want that true sled exhaust smell from my snowblower :thumbsup: :buttrock: Klotz smells the best. It is a personal choice. Benol is used for 2 stroke racing karts. "This oil smells great but this one is terrible!" - all personal thoughts. klotz has a long proven record of quality,i have used it for 30 years in all my tools and toys. I have been running polaris ves and ves II oil in my 440. DescriptionThis premium, power valve friendly, synthetic lubricant has been providing racers and enthusiasts with the best protection available for over three decades. They lubricate great too. spike. Link to comment Share Vp ultimate and Klotz R50 has to smell better than anything on the planet. the only down side is it can be a little dirty if too much is used. Only real difference between them is that the R50 has a fragrance additive that makes it smell somewhat like castor. because it usually dosent work well in a powervalve engine. KL-101 by Klotz: Motor Oils - Amazon. It does have a nice race fuel smell to it. Also, can the VES be mixed with RL/Klotz as the tank runs low, or syphon out old oil in tank (as much as possible) before switching? Combines the clean burning properties of synthetic oil with the super tough protection of caster oil. I did a google search for Klotz and it looks like there's a bunch of different types. It smells best in VP C12 but will also make a wonderful aroma in plain old GAS. You want an oil that is going to burn clean and protect your 2 cycle equipment without leaving deposits, Echo Red Armor is your oil, now the Klotz might protect slightly better but the downside is there will probably be deposits which you do not want in a 2 NMMA® TC-W3 certified warranty compliant. Feb 3, 2018 #6 andyd. I've heard some oils smell really good like Maxima, Klotz, or Red Line due to the Castor oil (bean oil) base or just bought 4 gallond of klotz snomobile oil. Ive always stayed away from Klotz becuase a buddy of mine said the exhaust smells like roses? Anyway, thanks for the come back Klotz R50 is a full synthetic oil the same as the Maxima, no Castor in either. Blendzall is probably what your talking about, although it is a castor based oil and as mentioned is bad for power valves, but it smells awesome. Any suggestions? Warranty recently ended. KLOTZ smells awesome!!! i want to make a candle that smells like turbo blue and klotz! i would love that candle! :ylsuper: :argue: apv oil smells pretty good i rode behind a guy all day last year in jackman me. It too is ISO EGD rated, so we’re confident of its lubrication qualities, but it isn’t the cleanest burning either. Price when purchased online. Read more. If anything, it smells like nothing at all actually. Posted March 2, 2011. Ultimately no sled or oil smells better or worse than any others - it's all personal opinion! Your sled is objectively going to smell much less than the old ones you're used to. I did get sled with case of their new oil,so this should last for a while till how does it smell when you ride behind someone using it and is it smell good if it idles? because i havent found anything that is close to klotz plus the quality of the oil. Some of the Klotz like Super TechniPlate mixes BeNOL with Klotz red. not that it has anything to do with the lubricating qualities. BS Hall Of Fame Member; Posts: 3567; It's All Junk But I can Fix it; Re: Klotz oil « Reply #8 on: February 01, 2013, 01:36:46 am Everyone finally figured out that they were using castor bean oil. But what the heck is Putoline? Link to comment Share Burns clean, smells good I think, and has treated our family well we have ran it in Numerous 3 and 4 wheelers 2- 98 FIII 600's, both with around 5000 miles and running strong, never touched KLOTZ Snowmobile oil for 19. More sharing I like the scents, i personally like the smell of vp-c12, and torco gp-7 oil. I have run the Klotz with Activ8, as mentioned in the Comnoz papers. Thanks, Joe have an02 zr 800 with purple oil that smells like grapes just wondering if anyone knew what it could be? thanks jim. Recomended for power valves and burns super clean. 2003 MXZ Renegade 800 Clean burn technology for low smoke and will help prevent plug fouling Provides superior film strength of castor oil with clean burning characteristics of Klotz Synthetic Lubricants Identifiable Klotz red colorSmells like Klotz Improves Bring the scent of the racetrack home with our Klotz Candle, handmade by Maria Klotz with our famous Original TechniPlate smell! This exclusive Klotz-scented candle gives off the fragrance you have come to know and love on the race klotz is a synthetic based on 'castor oil ester' (the smell you like) which in some bikes don't run as well as other synthetics and castor oil of old was well known for gumming and fouling plugs. What gave you the impression that its not a good oil? Klotz is among the best you can buy and at a good price. 00 a gallon is a great price! Plus a little for shippingruns about 22. In fact Maxima makes better products than Klotz, period as far as I am concerned. Times were simpler. If they made cologne out of that stuff every nascar fan would Benoil smell good and has low wear quality, but carbon build up is a problem. Help the 1000 SDI make the most miles If we are truly interested in what oil is best for the 1000 SDI, we need to be asking what oil has proven to give the most miles. I love the smell og Klots, I have used the KL200 and the KL300 and have some R50 which smells more line benol, which makes me sick over time. 1 5 out of 5 Stars. It used to be a lot more fragrant then it is now. Smells yummy when riding behind someone Amsoil is a very good oil but does smell bad. That was the begining of the scented oils. However, my bike does not smell like the rest. Break-in 2. i BeNol is a castor based oil, which is awesome as far as protection, but castor based oils leave a lot of carbon build up compared to synthetic based oils. same with rings. I'm a big fan of used McDonalds french fry oil myself. Klotz Oil KL-609(10) Plug and Contact Cleaner - I have been trying to find a half-way decent smelling oil to run in my 'Cat. I think it is just too pricey if you are Bring the scent of the racetrack home with our Klotz Candle, handmade by Maria Klotz with our famous Original TechniPlate smell! This exclusive Klotz-scented candle gives off the fragrance you have come to know Klotz smells good and I think it is Polaris oil smells like cotton candy. 5 Silverado 2500HD LLY Duramax Those bikes were probably running VP C12 mixed pretty rich with some Klotz or castor 927. ca: Maison Klotz/ KLOTZ OIL : Numéro de modèle de l'article KL-755 : Dimensions du produit 7,62 x 7,62 x 5,72 cm; 249,48 grammes : ASIN B01LXSC7MU : Renseignements supplémentaires. Any castor oil. Klotz says nothing on the bottle about valve technology uses. I just cant justify the cost of the ultimate anymore. 'Cat APV is just plain nasty. He says it ran ten times better once he switched to Klotz oil and that it had a unique smell. Garbage IMHO. The ultimate in 100% synthetic lubrication. Andrew 04YFZ450-SOLD 03GASGASHP300-SOLD 03Z400-STOLEN 99BANSHEE370LR-STOLEN 88250RSOLD 99WOLVERINESOLD. Free shipping. Definitely want that smell good exhaust. Brand Klotz : Vehicle Service Type ATV : UPC 028175011003 : Global Trade Identification Number 00028175011003 : Bring the scent of the racetrack home with our Klotz Candle, handmade by Maria Klotz with our famous Original TechniPlate smell! This exclusive Klotz-scented candle gives off the fragrance you have come to know and love on the race Bring the scent of the racetrack home with our Klotz Candle, handmade by Maria Klotz with our famous BeNOL Castor smell! This exclusive Klotz-scented candle gives off the fragrance you have come to know and love on the race track from item 8 KL-755 Klotz 2 Stroke oil Candle (SMELLS LIKE KLOTZ) 30 Hour Burn Time! 1 Pack KL-755 Klotz 2 Stroke oil Candle (SMELLS LIKE KLOTZ) 30 Hour Burn Time! 1 Pack. Problem is the wick burns quicker than it should and puts itself out every 15 or 20 minutes. . Klotz most def. Do mostly long duration rides wide open lots of desert and sand. Both mystik and klotz are good oil, that arctic blue is also fantastic especially for the price. There is not a better oil for developing power. Supertechniplate is also popular. Log in or register to post comments. Switched over to redline last year. Is it still that good? Logged yamaha nutz. The sweet smell of nitro-methane. the Many people are sensitive to 2 stroke smell - many others have a deep emotional connection to it. Of course thats the oil i use in my bike. Premix only - not intended for oil injection. I started racing motocross in 1985 until the early 90's then I started racing GNCC's and hare scrambles. it still smells slightly like it did in the old days. smells like blue berries when you open itother than that it smells just like using any average 2 stroke oil out the You probably are remembering a castor or castor based oil. So which Klotz oil would be the best to try? I have mostly a stock bike except exhaust, vforce, prox piston, uni filter, and i run off pump gas. Their scooter oil is supposed to smell like strawberry. I know a alot of guys that use it and say the valves are cleaner than useing the ves oils. Whats up with that?! It also has no top end power. They also make just about anything that has to do with lubrication and fuel systems. If they made cologne out of that stuff every nascar fan would be wearing it. That being said Klotz IS a very good oil imo. 'Poo full synthetic is better than the above. I returned the product, don't waste $30 on this. Not gonna pay that much for it. 3 people found this helpful It does smell like klotz. tend to get them stuck. those of you that run klotz: how do you like it? how's it burn? smell? what do your rave valves look like It will cause your oil to Klotz up. I would run 50/50 pump & race gas mixed with Maxima 927 castor oil in my CR500, and the smell was incredible. 00. OK, first off let me say no oil smells as good as Klotz! who uses it and have you had any ill effects on your engine?:chug: I have used klotz oil in my sled ever since my arctic cat oil ran out when i bought my 07 f1000 lxr. I currently run amsoil interceptor but like the way klotz smells so am considering switching. Buddies love it too, and heard from motor builders klotz has better lubricating qualities and keeps inside parts of the motor oiled very well[/b] I've used Klotz for about six years now with no problems at all, I have strayed this year to try Legend Performace's ZX-2 oil in my sled, but in the wifes sled I am still running Klotz until the supply is gone, at the end of the season I will make my decision on whether to return to using Klotz or stick with the ZX-2, but I will say that the ZX-2 oil leaves no "TWO STROKE Klotz 2 Stroke Oil Scented Candle. Developed for professional use in high-RPM, 2-stroke racing engines. Seriously crack open a bottle of super techniplate you can smell it has a like sweet almost candy smell. wont be goin back to Klotz. But if you want an even better oil, get some A747 from Castrol. Images in I used to run Klotz still love the smell but got tired of my clothes smelling like poo and my eyes burning at the end of the day. Just wondering how the Redline oil smells. They offer 3 different options and two are not recommend for oil injection. Klotz smells like essence of Dial soap. You then have to dig Klotz Synthetic Lubricants - A Long History in the Snowmobile Lubricant Industry . com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases The best two stroke oil there is. they deleted some of the aromatics out of it. Although it's my first 2T and the only oil I've tried so I have nothing to compare it to. Recommended for Honda (2009 and older), Kawasaki, Sea-Doo I have new 600 SDI on the way, over the summer I bought a case of KLOTZ oil( love the smell),I know at one time BRP recomended full synthetic then started saying synthetic blend. I run Klotz R50 full synthetic premix in my KX500, and that oil is AWESOME stuff, every time I swap a top end, my power valves look almost like new. djmamayek. Klotz oil solvent smell. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Both are great oils, use the Klotz if you want the cool smell, otherwise use which ever one that has the best looking bottle, as the products Bring the scent of the racetrack home with our Klotz Candle, handmade by Maria Klotz with our famous BeNOL Castor smell! This exclusive Klotz-scented candle gives off the fragrance you have come to know and love on the race track from using our BeNOL Castor Oil. i use amsoil myself don,t know what it smells like but this year using the new maxima 927 love the way it smells everyone thinks im running alky eventhough im on GAS . Red+ Blue=purple . I know Samurai oil has a strawberry scent. Ipone smells crazy. Mike-337. Or in the 600 Etec? I know people will chime in with just run Ski-Doo oil and please save your breath. CourierDriver. Almost all are fortified with some What oil is best for: 1. Technical Details. Blends with gasoline ; Virtually eliminates smoke and carbon. 1526 posts · Joined 2008 Add to quote; Only show this user Klotz BeNOL Castor Oil blends with methanol alcohol, ethanol, nitromethane, and gasoline and is recommended for Beta, Gas Gas, Honda, Husaberg, Husqvarna, Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, and Yamaha, premix off-road This product does not smell at all like 2 stroke oil. Snr Karts normally use full Switched to Klotz, by far the cleanest smell to be riding behind and so far not excessively smokey. but klotz or red line are two of the best oils for high strung race sleds If so, which oil in particular would be best suited as Klotz has a few types of 2 stroke oils (ie Benol racing castor oil, super techniplate, R-50 techniplate, etc). 84. Klotz sure does smell nice though. in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. Klotz and at least one type of ski-doo oil plain stinkeach Never heard anything bad about a klotz product. This 8-ounce wax candle burns for up to 30 hours. There are better oils at controlling deposits. Klotz is the best smelling oil to my sniffer. Add $ 51 84. Not another oil debate. item 9 Klotz 2-Stroke Smelling Candle KL-755 Klotz 2 Smelling Klotz exhaust is a Pavlovian response to automatically release adrenaline into my system! Originally Posted by A_Harman I'm thinking maybe the Klotz has a different smell. Use it in everything. I run Klotz Motorcycle TechniPlate in mine. It's worth burning some brain cells to smell that stuff! Nothing compares to sound/smell of a 2stk. Rust protection 4. Premix or oil injection. 00-25. I have 2,300 miles on my sled so far with no issues at all. 1 Pounds : Recommended Uses For Product Automotive, Mechanical : Viscosity I have read where the Klotz 2 stroke oil with Castor oil in it tends to run a bit dirty. that would be Kotz BeNOL. I am not trying to say a buck or anything like that, I just hate the smell of the Ski-Doo oil and like the smell of Klotz, plus I have run Klotz in all my past 2 strokes with no issues. VIP MEMBER. $35. I have been trying to find a half-way decent smelling oil to run in my 'Cat. I know that alot of you fellows run the Mobil 1 racing 2T and I would like to run that too, however I can't find the stuff anywhere locally to me. BUT I do not want to Just wondering if there is any good place online to but KLOTZ oil cheaper. Valves are clean with it. Klotz Bougie célèbre Estorlin « Smell The Klotz » : Amazon. C. Only looking for info on Redline, please keep comments directed at the topic. what does Redline Race Oil smell like? 3. The KL200/300 does smell real nice. I also run it in my drag bike and the first year i ran the klotz technoplate or what ever it is and tore down at end of year and crank bearings were shot had to rebuild crank last year tore it down run the 927 as builder told me to run and crank bearings looked good I purged after Identifiable Klotz redSmells like Klotz, the ultimate in 2-stroke lubrication ; Castor Oil : Brand Klotz : Package Information Bottle : Liquid Volume 16 Fluid Ounces : Item Weight 1. but god i love the smell. Klotz BC-171 Benol Racing Castor Oil 1Gal. Bring the familiar and unmistakable smell of the shop or track to any room in your home or office with the Klotz 2 Stroke Oil Scented Candle. I run Klotz R50 in Klotz Super Techniplate - it's made with 20% castor oil (the stuff that Maxima 927 is made of), but smells even better. Thread starter concours; Start date May 14, 2023; concours. stock and mod sleds. Members; 738 Location: Wisconsin; Share; Posted March 2, 2011. smells awesomeso glad my dad has a 2 smoke and always rides in front haha:bonk: Link to comment Share on other sites Members; 24 Location: Oklahoma; Share; Posted October 29, 2008. These are 8 of the best smelling 2 stroke oils around. for oil injected Wile this candle does smell great and really does smell like the klotz oil, candle itself does not burn very well. As far as Blue marble it is NOT a stnthetic oil, it is mineral based. The smell is classic, Ok looking for real world comments on Klotz oil in cat APV motors I have a 05 F6 EFI. Since 1995 I haven't used anything but Yamalube 2-R or What Llama said. There are tech sheets on their site for all their oils. There is not a better oil for making power, especially at higher concentrations (ie. a few years ago. The Ipone smelled pretty good, and was not too smokey either. If you use Klotz you need to pick the right product (call Klotz) or you could Amongst all of this, we also use a fair amount of Klotz Snowmobile Techniplate in some of our personal sleds, more for the mental horsepower afforded by the bean-oil smell, that signature odor that Klotz has. This oil from Polaris is the most expensive full synthetic oil on the market, but lots of riders prefer it. More sharing options djmamayek. I want to get the best protection ,will the synthetic protect as well as the blend. 2542. God i love that smell. I have yet to find out on my sleds. Maybe the previous owner topped up with klotz, but there was some blue oil left in it. we run benldsall 100% castor oil in our pro stock 600. Then companies like Golden Spectro came into existance,so on, and so fourth. Mix with gas to fight the oil film wash on the intake side 6. So anyone that has run, or knows someone know runs Klotz Benoil in their bike, knows that distinctive smell of Klotz. Current Line -19 Pro RMK 850-17 Switchback Assault 800 -00 XCR 800-95 Storm 800 Days get shorter,snow gets deeper,life gets better. The exhaust doesn't smell great but I like to think it smells better than some regular non-smell oil. Reply. Identifiable Klotz RedSmells like Klotz. Plus the smell is fantastic and then some. Smells just like Klotz Synthetic TechniPlate and Pure Estorlin Klotz Synthetic Lubricants - A Long History in the Snowmobile Lubricant Industry . ? or For exhaust smell you cant beat de-gummed castor bean oil based two-stroke oils. smells like blue berries when you open itother than that it smells just like using any average 2 stroke oil out the exhaust afterwards. and when he topped off is when i noticed the bottle. My dad had a Hodaka dirt bike back in the 70s. Ive been using r50 for many years, have switched to other brands, and kept coming back to the klotz. 6. Given your two options listed, stick with the Klotz. 1 reviews. Quinlan. This oil is characterized by the extreme load carrying capacity, virtually no wear, scuff protection, and a racy castor oil odor. I have smelled the classic smell of some NOS Klotz oil burning, and Im curious which formulation is availble today which still carries the distinctive sweet smell the old stuff does, and where to get it. Mix with air in a dry base 5. 11883 posts · Joined 2003 Add to quote; Only show this user #10 2016 Pro-S 800 (4k miles), switching from Polaris VES full syn to either Redline or Klotz. Joined Dec 27, 2009 Messages 6,287 Location Tn. Smells like Klotz! Product information . I use Motorex and don't find it smells bad. I believe it was Klotz that came up with a synthetic blend oil that had that familiar smell Almost like roasting dishwashing detergent or something. I've had bad luck with Bel-Ray 2 stroke oils,but I do like their fork fluid and gearbox oils. Great protection all my pistons have looked really good with the R50, + it has a nice smell. Best of all it smells great and reminds me of the good ol 1970 mx days. pntyvvheydggjkxmiwubnhmernolfgbwxbsmqgoqbgatxfqzghdkewbtzkvmsnsqflhwvkvnomyl