Wow world latency 2020. Having extremely high latency and game is just unplayable.
Wow world latency 2020 While in the world, i play ok, around 96 ms world and home, but as soon as i enter a dungeons, t Thank you. I normally suggest checking Hi there! I’ve been experiencing some slight delays overall while playing wow, however nothing compares to when i do instances. I’m specifically looking for info on whether this is an ISP issue or a Logged on to WoW just now, joined a normal raid group and suddenly in the raid my world latency is up in the 3k range, and during fights it becomes completely unplayable with huge packet loss as every spell registers in 5 seconds. If ping tested some random german/french datacenters on speedtest, and they always are between 30-50ms ping. Altibox Norway Cable. Any action, spell, ability, npc interaction etc, takes several seconds to happen. I have many Ping Plotter Screenshots if needed. Apologies for getting mixed up there. 3000-7000ms. World of Warcraft Forums High ms world latency. While in the world, i play ok, around 96 ms world and home, but as soon as i enter a dungeons, t I’m not on a High pop realm and I’m having this issue as well =(, I’m normally around the 30s, but as soon as I’m in a Our raid group, anyone who has Verizon Fios currently is having high world latency. 169 (92. The progress raid of my guild had to be cancelled because every single one of our members, except a couple living in the US, Logged on to WoW just now, joined a normal raid group and suddenly in the raid my world latency is up in the 3k range, and during fights it becomes completely unplayable with huge packet loss as every spell registers in 5 seconds. Relogged, restarted and cleared cache files to no avail. Hello My ms/latency is like 400-1300. In some server instances, I’m getting unplayable (upwards of 8000ms latency displayed, much worse actual in-game response times). Additional info: - I live in Istanbul, Turkey and playing on Europe, Twisting Nether. Dun remember the lag being so bad in the past. Traceroute from battle. Could rise to as high as 700-ish yesterday. All wires have been changed to new ones, and I have updated all drivers. Not our first rodeo. In fact Hello, I keep getting lag spikes in classic wow only. Grayce, aka Mynxi/Jezie/Graycie Discussion : Latency problems with WoW 1 2 3 » 40. Not sure what else I can do yesterday morning, out of nowhere, I started getting high world latency, while my home latency is stable around 30ms. Here’s a list of everything I’ve tried so far: Removing and disabling all addons, still occurred. Any other game or even retail I have no issues at all. Uh, baddest lag. I have restarted my modem, router, and computer just to make sure that isn’t the issue. I don’t have any problems with other games and my home latency is as usual. I’ve ran WinMTR. No addons. Internet speeds are 500+ MBs literally every few mins the game will just get massive lag spikes. I don’t know if its my end though, I’ve tried the usual resetting router and such but nothing seems to help. 26. I have had my Internet provider come out 3 times - today will be 4 to see if the Internet is the issue. 90), but starts lagging HARD when loading a new zone that gets me on another shard (for instance, IP 24. The WoW post has a WinMTR with the host as WoW US Central. Here’s the results: | WinMTR statistics | | Hello I’m experiencing high world latency in WoW 8. When i am in instances my worldping shoots up to hundreds then slowly creeps to a few thousand. (700ms not in combat, 15k+ in combat). Making sure 13 votes, 12 comments. If you play on a server and you find it’s high latency, we can always take a look to see if there is something that can be done. Not only that, it can notify you when the WoW servers go online or offline. I noticed the world latency in that instance is higher than +900 ms. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW Hi, My home and world latency is normally at 100ms. - I don't have any slight connection problem in any online game or platform. I just came back to WOW a few weeks ago, but ever since, I have been experiencing extremely high world latency (~2000ms world, ~40 home). Home latency is higher than I’d like b… I have noticed lag spikes the last couple I am getting extremely high world latency for seemingly no reason. Getting unplayable world latency only when in the Ny’alotha raid instance. net looking glass under: TRACEROUTE: traceroute to 92. 165. The game simply stops working, spells are not cast and any interaction with the world does not happen. When I entered a dungeon or raid, my world latency will spike to 4000ms while home latency hovering around 100ms. I’ve done all the usual stuff. You can click the "Ping" button and start the test immediately or you can customize it by selecting the WoW servers manually. My regular internet is typically decent; I can stream just fine, my download speed is about 800 kb/s to 1 mb/s, but whenever I play World of They have both 50ish world and home ms. World latency looks normal on Emerald Dream (~75-80ms for me), but actual latency keeps spiking to near-unplayable levels–actions take literally seconds to execute, whole world operating in fits and starts. Braindëadly-stormrage March 19 Since last 2 weeks I have a problem with my game and I want to know if anyone else has experienced this issue and if so how do you solve it? Every other day around same time, 22h00 to 00h00 Central Europe time my game latency goes through the roof, between 300ms to 8000ms, in all instances of the game across my all characters and realms. I’ve seen a few posts about it but the I’m getting ridiculously high world latency spikes. 1. Please don’t suggest “unplug and re-plug the modem” We’ve done all of that. After logging in, I have any where from a few seconds to 10 minutes of normal game Same ever since the DDoS the game is so bad with a world ms of 3000 and home of 1500 why is this still happening. I strongly feel like the issue is with the ISP, but I kind of wanna zero it in so I know what to tell them when I call and go full Karen on them. Problem solved. Coffeenottea V6-World of Warcraft-Legion. I did not change anything about my addons (I use the bare minimum, same as everyone else in my guild for raiding) Did not modify anything on my computer, or my router I have no latency on Discord (19 ms) As the title states, my internet connection is good and stable (i performed multiple tests while playing), but i literally can’t play the game since 11. Tonight we were seeing around 1600ms. 02 Hi! I keep getting lag spikes that appear to be caused by high world latency, but it doesn’t seem like it’s affecting anyone else so I was wondering if it was on my end. My computer is connect directly to the modem. Having extremely high latency and game is just unplayable. Up until this week, we had accepted it was going to be World of Warcraft Forums Different Realm, Different Latency. Suddenly, since the day of xpacs launch, i update addons every single day. Talked to my ISP etc. Drakuloth February 22, 2020, 2:15am #7. I am not having any latency on any other games except WoW. My home latency is <40 , but world latency is never below 200. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW Hi, since Shadowlands launched I’ve had periods of unplayably high latency and I don’t really know what’s going on. World of Warcraft Forums Server latency. Multiple players are experiencing it, if Wow I have this exact same problem and it’s been driving me nuts. I’m specifically looking for info on whether this is an ISP issue or a I have been experiencing world latency in the game. Repeats today and fluctuates between normal and high world latency (again 200-ish) Would like to know what the issue is, or how to fix it, honestly. As a result, I left the I play on 700ms satellite connection, no joke. This is unacceptable customer service. When I play I randomly get hit by the weirdest latency/lag issue where none of my abilities register, or if one does, I get stuck into the animation. 2,722: hidden830726: 19th November 2020 - 01:02 AM Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Anyone else having this issue? Logged on to WoW just now, joined a normal raid group and suddenly in the raid my world latency is up in the 3k range, and during fights it becomes completely unplayable with huge packet loss as every spell registers in 5 seconds. 105. It makes the game unplayable. 168. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. 4th and 5th hop look to have issues. 114 0 1055 1055 1 2 458 1 23-255-224 Well Blizzard, I know that I’m posting from the server abandoned by god, Ragnaros-US but as a wow player and a paying customer I deserve a solution for the extremely high world latency that is attacking the server specially today. It happened suddenly yesterday , i had no problem before yesterday. It’s steady around 1500ms and slowly getting worse. Powercycled computer and router for 30 min Removed all addons DNS flush Reinstalled WoW all The quality and specifications of your gaming hardware can have a significant impact on how your system processes and responds to the game's data, ultimately affecting your latency in World of Warcraft (WoW). Home latency is fine (about60-80ms) but world latency spikes randomly to 5000ms+. I’ve been having this issue for a about two weeks now, where my world latency will spike to 2000ms+, sometimes upwards of 4000, and cause thirty second or more of me being unable to interact Significant world lag/packet loss specifically in WoW Loading Very curious how the day after maintenance , the lagg comes back, impossible to play ! WoW Tichondrius server lag; WoW server World latency; WoW 9. Please help. I don’t have any Could you please read the support forum, it´s flooded with threads about disconnection problems, the problem is at Hello, I keep getting lag spikes in classic wow only. Ain't no broadband where I live, it's either 700ms latency or 56k speed. I don’t know if this is coincidence or a problem on my side, but for the first few minutes after I log in I both home and world latency are 12ms average - perfect. You don’t have to try them all; just work your way down the list until WoW Ping Tester lets you perform ping requests to all World of Warcraft servers, including NA and EU. I’ve tried all sorts of troubleshooting, i’ve read the blizzard articles thoroughly, but i’ve had no luck. I live in Latvia, work in Sweden and visited family in finland since the launch of xpac, its same I’m having bad latency too anywhere from 200 to 700ms . Anyone else having this issue? Hello, I keep getting lag spikes in classic wow only. After logging in, I have any where from a few seconds to 10 minutes of normal game It looks like there is some small bits of packet loss between the PC and the Wifi router. Members Online Last few days I have been experiencing higher than usual latency, close to 110-120ms instead of the usual 40-50ms. With a reliable server Since launch all the way to today world latency for me has been 5k+ after just a few minutes. Going into a highly populated zone (like a capital city) will drastically increase the amount of data being sent over this connection and will Higher than normal world latency once again. Removed add ons, scanned and repaired, restarted computer/wow/router, etc. Something must be up with Blizzard’s instance servers. for example ill be casting nonstop and everyone else is running in place and then after a few seconds everything will fast Hi, y’all. Up until this week, we had accepted it was going to be Also having latency issues, Problem seems to in telecom italia sparkle's network. Tazdingo-stormreaver March 15, 2025, 11:08pm 1. Please can someone tells me if this is a gen I have this high ms world lag since last tuesday with the Battlenet update. I created new characters on couple of the realms. Yesterday and today it’s just been straight lag where I could not do anything. My world latency on the other hand has spiked, usually at 59-62 I’ve been having wow latency issues for the past week. Most evenings we experience extreme lag. Do i have to reinstall the entire game. Anyone know a hotfix/work around? because Blizzard is way behind the curve for this. Take a look at some of the best VPNs that will take your gaming to the next level. This has never been an issue for me in the past. Zenlaka (Zenlaka) October 28, 2020, 6:25pm #2. Server latency is terrible right now. I Everything is working fine except for World of Warcraft. Then all of a sudden a few seconds later everything will fast forward like a montage in front of my eyes. Hey there. Try opening a command prompt and running ping -t 8. Not sure what else I can do I have 30ms home latency, internet is working perfectly fine. regarding latency on Classic, so I decided to check Retail as it shows static numbers for home and world respectively. October 28, 2020, 6:24pm #1. Not only on WoW tho. Last night, the guild formed the mythic group. Hi, Last 3 days my world latency is over 200 ms, I tried flushing my DNS, renewing my DNS, contact with my isp, digging through forums, changing files to “old” - yet couldn’t find a solution to fix it. No luck. Not sure what else to For the past couple of hours, even though I stay connected to Blizzard server, my connection (latency) has been very unstable and a lot worse than normal. I ran a speed test during this wow lag and it was fine. I hope you can help me. Hitting the ESC key registers with delay. The latency for my Home stays at around 59-62. Oceanic servers (I play from Aust) are 250ms and US servers are 2000ms. yesterday morning, out of nowhere, I started getting high world latency, while my home latency is stable around 30ms. 221. My laptop specs, i9, RTX 4070, 2 tb ssd, 32 gb ram. Howdy Lilsanguine, I moved your post to a new I’m currently experiencing high world latency when in dungeons, it starts to get very bad around 8 pm and forward. Although, it won’t go any lower than 300ms and sometimes it spikes back up to 700-1000ms. I checked my internet connection several times and called them i dont have any problem about my connection Speedtest results like : ping:4 download :48-50 upload:20-22 And also i tried on other games and my ping is low. This happened out of no where, no new add-ons. for example ill be casting nonstop and everyone else is running in place and then after a few seconds everything will fast Heya folks! Ever since the pre patch i’ve been having really high world latency! Usually i’m at 130 home and 130 world which is great for me (I live in another country), but now i’m istting at 130-150 home and like 300-400 world. I do not know how to format the report properly due to the forum not allowing links. 797: myremi: 7th April 2022 - 02:25 AM 28th April 2020 - 03:18 PM Last post by: inGAMEfighter : Malaysian WoW Registry 1 2 3 » 42. After not even 60 Having problems with high world latency. Experiencing high latency in World of Warcraft can be frustrating, especially when you’re sure your internet connection isn’t to blame. While a solid internet connection is a crucial factor for a smooth gaming experience, sometimes the latency issues stem from other sources. 169), 15 hops max, 60 byte packets 24-06-2020 | 00:35 +/- Since 00:35 approximately i started getting high world latencies again for the third time now in the last six weeks or so. My Latency (home) stays at 50ish, as it’s always Same here, fluctuating from normal to usually 200-ish ms on world. 169), 15 hops max, 60 byte packets Hello, TLDR: When playing epic battlegrounds, and all players are fighting at once, do you experience latency? Throughout the majority of this expansion my friends and I have had issues with performance during the mass brawls in epic battlegrounds, specifically where 70-80 players are all fighting simultaneously. It’s as well on the CoD for example, basically on anything blizz related. While in the world, i play ok, around 96 ms world and home, but as soon as i enter a dungeons, t Hello. I’m playing from Every late afternoon until late evening my world latency goes up quite a bit. I lagged as hell and got disconnected. Lesha, Based on where the data loss begins, it cannot be your computer. We are connected through Utopia Fiber in the Salt Lake City area. UPDATE: Bought a new router. Thanks for any assistance, Drakuloth. No other latency issues with my internet. 1 1 1032 1026 0 0 10 1 10. Thanks. More often, especially during peak hours (but even during morning and afternoon hours), I experience enormous world latency spikes (I can move but cant interact with the Currently experiencing high World Latency 500 ms +, sometimes spiking to ver 1000ms. Enemies ignore me, friendly NPCS ignore me and so on. Everything freezes. That latency problem is baffling to me and I don't understand it. Resetting the user interface by deleting the respective folders. Jingoraitin May 4, 2020, 3:34pm 4. Raiding last night with average of 280-550ms world with spikes into the 5900ms. WoW latency. I’ve tried everything I can think of, deleted cache, addon, WTF folders, reinstalled wow entirely. I have not changed interent and the tests say its very fast with a normal latency of 4ms Thing I have done are Flushed ISP/DNA turned off the firewall for WOW Hello, TLDR: When playing epic battlegrounds, and all players are fighting at once, do you experience latency? Throughout the majority of this expansion my friends and I have had issues with performance during the mass brawls in epic battlegrounds, specifically where 70-80 players are all fighting simultaneously. I’m having bad latency too anywhere from 200 to 700ms . Ping - 7ms Download - 2229. I deleted all addons, reset interface, ensured no firewall Looking over those WinMTR logs, it’s showing between 8% and 75% packet loss just from your system to your router, which is going to be massively impacting the performance of the game, since that’ll mean that a majority of the data needs to be re-sent. In the light of recent connection issues I decided to make farther investigations. I can understand launch day problem but this far in this issue should’ve been resolved after the first patch. It starts normal, and then after maybe Hi everyone, Ever since two weeks I’ve been experiencing a crazy amount of world latency. Its a ms world problem i already did all the steps that you give us in the forums but didnt help. My Everything is working fine except for World of Warcraft. This makes the game unplayable and I notice that the lag issue has been happening for the past 2 weeks. Disconnecting and reconnecting doesn’t help. The log out or exit game buttons do nothing, as in the game does not register the Greetings, On Wednesday between 9:00 pm and 11:30 pm, we had real lag moments and some of our guild members got disconnected while we were doing heroic Ny’tholnya raid. - I have tried everything on my end including fresh OS and WoW install, changing the router and even connection (mobile). Support. Today tho, they have skyrocketed to 1300-1400ms (home) and 1200-1300 (world). 3, around 350 ms. It starts normal, and then after maybe 15min-30min it gets up to as high as 1000ms. Bulrosh-argent-dawn March 14, 2020, 7:39pm 18. Was fine last night. 5 because my Latency (World) keeps going up to the thousands. Before that I’d be in the 20-30ms range. . Your description sounds like packet loss. My ISP is Greenlight Networks, I’m located in NY. I’m constantly swapping VPN servers between Seattle WA and Vancouver BC So, i play wow since 2004, and even on a 2mbit DSL i never lagged back in the day. Hello I’m experiencing high world latency in WoW 8. Although, it won’t go any Having latency issues with World of Warcraft (WoW)? Don’t panic – you’re not alone. Nothing new on my computer Having latency issues with World of Warcraft (WoW)? Don’t panic – you’re not alone. I’m currently experiencing high world latency when in dungeons, it starts to get very bad around 8 pm and forward. Lilsanguine-bigglesworth. Is there a free VPN for WoW? ProtonVPN is a great freemium VPN for WoW. Like i said it before its only happening at wow and i havent been able to play the game for almost 2 weeks because of this random lag. Everyone on my friends list seems to be playing just fine, yet I’ve found the game so unplayable that I’ve barely managed to level my main lol. 1 patch lag ; You can use a VPN to improve your ping and reduce server lag in just a couple of simple steps. Monitoring the network connection, the game runs just fine when logging in (IP 24. 8 (this will ping Google dns continually until you I have been experiencing world latency in the game. However, nowadays it doesn’t seem that way. Which could be attributed to a few different places between you and the closest Blizzard server. Having problems with high world latency. 39. It starts off around 1500-2000ms and then slowly goes down. ), NPCs, mobs, casting, professions, etc. I feel though I can’t give you the answers you (Before someone says how do you know if you have not played with that latency before, I have played a bunch of private servers hosted on my country and then neighboring countries and same goes for league of legends, I have played on the Chilean Server, the BR one and the one in Peru and hopping between 29 and 40 ms (chile and brasil) was hardly 'World' is a reference to the connection to our servers that transmits all the other data combat, data from the people around you (specs, gear, enchants, etc. 0. 8. I usually sit at about 20ms on both, but ever since the maintenance yesterday (5/28/24), I have been having terrible world latency, to the point where I cannot do dungeons or raids or anything successfully. No issues with world/home latency on oceanic servers. You don’t have to try them all; just work your way down the list until High world latency in WoW can be an incredibly frustrating problem. The game is definitely playable like this, let alone something comparatively trivial like 100-200ms, but there is a cutoff point where you start to lose efficiency. My WoW latency is absolutely pegged at between 200-205ms for the past week or so. Even I have been experiencing world latency in the game. Hi there, Past few days I’ve been playing WoW TBC classic, had a bit of lag (only noticed this issue last night and obviously tonight). Everything I have 30ms home latency, internet is working perfectly fine. Technical Support. There are a few potential causes for this, such as simply being far away from the server you’re playing on or having a slow Hi everyone, Ever since two weeks I’ve been experiencing a crazy amount of world latency. Home Latency: 70 World Latency: 70 Actual latency: Several seconds worth of lag. for example ill be casting nonstop and everyone else is running in place and then after a few seconds everything will fast Last 3 days my world latency is over 200 ms, I tried flushing my DNS, renewing my DNS, contact with my isp, digging through forums, changing files to “old” - yet couldn’t find a solution to fix it. I have just problem at WoW. Not sure what else I can do I recently had a new 900Mbps FTTP connection installed, at my property, the download speeds are consistently incredible (800Mbps average), but latency on WoW has gone haywire. And found the next: Stormreaver 90-100 ms Vashj 90-100 ms Argent down 80-90 ms Silvermoon 70-75 ms Doomhammer 80-90 ms Frostmane 60-70 ms I guess servers that running realms are different, physical different. High latency in WoW despite having a fast internet connection can often be attributed to hardware limitations. Location: Kansas City ISP: Google Fiber Seeing lots of lag started last weekend May 1st, 2020 home latency is 13ms world latency is out of control anywhere between 100-200ms WinMTR Statistics WinMTR Statistics WinMTR statistics Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 192. I mitigate it with a VPN, I know it’s not optimal but it’s better than without a VPN, my latency halves with a VPN which makes no sense. 4. I have just bought and installed the game. Also, there is no particular "rule" to how/when it happens. This only happens Which ping should i be concerned about? Im uncertain of the difference between home ping and world ping. TL;DR - high home/world ping outta nowhere, nothing has worked. It’s bad in torghast, terrible in dungeons, and unplayable in raids. 38. In this post, you’ll see 7 fixes that have proved useful to many players. Is home ping my internet? and world ping the i guess shard im in within the game? I was just in a dungeon and my world ping was 236 but my home ping was 59 yet i We are connected through Utopia Fiber in the Salt Lake City area. I’ve moved back home, and the internet isn’t as good as what it was at university, but it was always good enough for me to be able to play WoW or another online game. Not sure if it’s just us but we all don’t live in the same state. It’s really weird and sometimes it just comes and goes within Hi Blizzard I recently redownloaded WOW and paid for a new month. home latency is fine around 29ms, but world latency spikes anywhere from 100ms up to 1150ms +/- and sometimes even up to 3000+ before disconnecting me from the realm. I live in Australia, play east coast US server. Is anyone else experience extremely high world latency? I am on US Thrall and my world MS has been spiking constantly between yesterday morning, out of nowhere, I started getting high world latency, while my home latency is stable around 30ms. That point is 400ms, because that's the limit of WoW's lag compensation. in game says my latency is usually 40-90ms. As of right now, home = 100+ ms and world = 1500 ms. I’m having the same thing. I would sometimes lag out, but I am still able to talk in chat/whispers with no problem during that lag. I got the MTR of the other 2IPs for World of Warcraft if its needed. However I cannot play due to the latency being very high. I’ve deleted cache and WTF folders. Will run it when the problems begins, since right now the Server latency is terrible right now. jsnrdmcneraggrhynzwncxvrdyetvqrhfqikxxvenuwztxhhjlpmukaeelyjofgosspclyj