Teen sexting a theoretical perspective. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Teen sexting a theoretical perspective PY - 2012/7. Sexting is a form of sexual exploration that we can assume will be used by teens, but the right to consent to sexting is complex, and teen sexting can take the form of revenge porn, secondary sexting, and aggravated sexting (Lemke & Rogers, 2020). Although Kahlow (2020) related social and institutional privacy concerns to the perceived risk of sexting, privacy concerns DOI: 10. 49 From a policy perspective, one specific recommendation is to develop and provide position statements to address sexting, and perhaps the overall Select theoretical propositions about the role of mobile communication in the “social emancipation” of youth were explicated and tested using a national survey of teens in the US. Theoretical Application The first theory applied to sexting in this study is the General Theory of Crime, which asserts that low self-control is the predictive factor of criminality. ca, in conjunction with partners such as the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association, have produced numerous public education campaigns, Internet safety programmes and public service announcements (PSAs) aimed at Teen sexting, the gender gap Date: March 14, 2013 Source: "Sexting among teens is characteristic of an expected negative message from the perspective of parents, educators, and law enforcers The current chapter will review the evidence examining the link between teen sexting and (1) sexual behaviour, (2) riskySexual behaviour, and (3) psychosocial health. Without Jane’s knowledge or consent, that boy went on to distribute Jane’s revealing selfies to Jane’s classmates in school. For example, in our study (Temple et al. Examples of sexting include making sexual comments or suggesting a sexual activity, sending nude or semi-nude photos, or making other Few studies have used a theoretical perspective to investigate cyber dating abuse. Brief report: Teen sexting and Based on lifestyle exposure theory (LET), this study examined online dating application (ODA) use and victimization experiences among adolescents using large cross-national samples of Finnish The nonconsensual forwarding of sexting images may lead to bullying and reputational loss for the victims (Ringrose, Harvey, Gill, & Livingstone, 2013). Comput . More specifically, the aim of this study is to investigate which factors on the individual and the contextual level explain why adolescents engage in sexting. org/10. , 2012), it is possible that sexting is an extension of adolescents’ offline lives. 05. If your child has been sexting, let us reassure you: You’re not a bad parent! Whatever guilt, shame, anger, sadness, frustration, or defeat you’re feeling is real—but The study adopted the theoretical perspective of Bronfenbrenner's (1979) ecological approach and Sexting motivations and teen dating violence. A. Connected Generations (Italian SIC) learning resource; other; Age 11+ Italy. Crossref. This type of online abuse and sextortion has gained recent attention within global news outlets due to the social strife taking place in schools and With the advent and ubiquity of smartphones being less than a decade old, it is not surprising that research on teen sexting is in its infancy. In doing so it begins with an exploration of the body of knowledge, differentiating between the repetitive (measuring prevalence and motivations) with the progressive (representing the youth voice and rights-based perspectives) and the Keywords: sexting, adolescence, motivation, theoretical model, electronic media Introduction The internet and smartphones are incorporated into all aspects of life and are the main social tools for adolescents and young adults (Campbell, 2005; Chalfen, 2009). The current chapter will review the evidence examining the link understanding sexting, including a wide range of theoretical models applied by researchers examining this topic. The phrase first emerged in the early 2000s, reflecting the growing availability and accessibility of digital devices. Perspective. Teen sexting as a field of research is gradually growing. 4. Both are associated with the perceived risk of sexting (Kahlow, 2020). This perspective suggests that the conservative stance of AI on teen sexting isn’t merely a result of biased training data, but a Over the past 20 years, adolescent sexting has attracted popular media and scientific interest, with research showing the growing participation of adolescents in this sexual practice. 737 is the Nevada law that prohibits minors under the age of 18 from engaging in sexting. In research, sexting generally refers to the sending and/or receiving of sexual messages, photos or videos through Despite the disparity of definitions, there is consensus regarding the need to differentiate within this category between ‘primary sexting’, consisting of the actual production or self-production of the image, generally consensual, and ‘secondary sexting’, in which the image is sent with or without the consent of the person depicted in it (Calvert, 2009-2010, Lievens, with durable consequences. Although it has consistently been shown that sexting is related to Sexting is often used as an umbrella term which can include consensual and non-consensual sharing of intimate images and texts, it fails to reflect the complexities of sharing intimate images or words. teen sexting as a modern, cultural phenomenon and explores responses from the media, policymakers and society, with a particular focus on the national perspective (breadth) and practitioner experiences (depth) to and the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of the discourses examined in relation to teen sexting. , & Jaishankar, K. 010Get rights and content Adolescents engage in sexting for a variety of reasons, including sexual expression and exploration, reinforcement of body image, and aggravated reasons with harmful intent (Bianchi From this perspective, the fact that sexting generates an active emotional impact, as opposed to depressive or anger-based responses linked to poor psychosocial adjustment, could be something positive. D. Drawing from this perspective, we hypothesized that sexting would be associated with levels of peer and family mobile connectivity, although in opposite ways, as Examining Conservative Attitudes in AI Conversations About Teen Sexting Tsameret Ricona and Inbar Cohenb aSenior lecturer, Head of Educational Counseling Program, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Oranim Academic College of Education, Tivon, Israel; bExecutive Director, Child and Youth Rights Program, Minerva Center for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew Select theoretical propositions about the role of mobile communication in the “social emancipation” of youth were explicated and tested using a national survey of teens in the US. , passion, intimacy, commitment) and the moderating role of conflicts in predicting As hypothesized, involvement in sexting was positively predicted by connectedness to peers through mobile communication and negatively predicted by connectedness to family. , Paul J. Conversely, in line with the deviancy perspective, sexting has been considered a The data for this topic came from a study examining views of teen sexting from the perspective of teens (girls and boys), caregivers and parents, and other adults—educators, lawmakers, youth workers, etc. Nonetheless, the field is clearly lacking in qualitative investigations that explore sexting in In the context of teen sexting, this Super-Ego-like function might be overly restrictive, reflecting broader societal anxieties about adolescent sexuality rather than the nuanced reality of teen sexual development. Hum Behav. Not-allowed sharing of sexts and dating violence from the perpetrator’s perspective: The moderation role of sexism. , 2012; Temple et al. ” Jane had texted a revealing picture of herself to a boy she liked at school. primary processes included Engaging in the Culture of Teen Sexting, Identifying Motivating Factors, Forming Perceptions and Feelings, Acknowl-edging and Managing Risks, Connecting understanding sexting, including a wide range of theoretical models applied by researchers examining this topic. , sending sexually explicit words or images via text). (Harris, Davidson, Letourneau, Paternite, & Miofsky, 2013). This project is focused on consensual sexting between teenagers, defined as those aged 13-17. Theoretical Framework From a theoretical perspective, Butler’s concept of vulnerability has multifaceted relationships with resistance, and vulnerability and resistance should be seen as intertwined. Furthermore, I find that while on one level the sexting moral panic serves to police the behavior of youth, the discourse generated also actively produces expectations for what appropriate sexual behavior looks like when it meets technology which regulate the lives of all people, regardless of age. Finally, the chapter discusses the potentially positive effects of exchanging sexually explicit pictures. The author proposes that the media focus on a world where endless teens readily engage in the NRS 200. To date, only a few studies investigated the role of personality traits in relation to sending or receiving sexts, and most of them used the Five Factor Model of Personality. Despite its potential consequences, more research from a theoretical perspective could It draws on Petchesky’s concept of positive sexual rights and Warner’s framework of sexual ethics to reflect on the ways current educational and policy responses to ‘teen sexting’ (or This review paper presents an analysis of sexting based on research findings and theoretical considerations. With the advent and ubiquity of smartphones being less than a decade old, it is not surprising that research on teen sexting is in its infancy. 144a, CC Meehan and Wicks (2020) call for the inclusion of teen voices in research pertaining to adolescent sexting, given teens’ perspectives are largely left out of the discussion. Despite its potential consequences, more research from a th eoretical perspective could provide additional The headlines are alarming about teens and sexting (i. They argue that fear-based messages are outdated and unfit for purpose. Subjects and Methods − A total of 707 subjects participated in this study of which 138 were male and 551 female Sexting has been a media, and child safety, obsession for as long as the term came to prominence. Get full access to this article. Objective − The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between sexting, self-esteem and body-esteem. phenomenon. 1016/J. We distinguish between sexting within and outside of a romantic relationship. 11. Chirumbolo A. Journal of Interpersonal Violence relational bonds and friendship quality (Dolev-Cohen, 2023; Foody et al. pedhc. Choi, Longitudinal association between teen sexting and sexual behavior, Pediatrics, 134 (2014) e1287-e1292. , 2012) we found that adolescent girls who sexted, relative to non-sexting girls, were more likely to partake in risky sexual behaviours, including having multiple sexual partners and using Definition of Sexting Results (Mental Health) NE - - Brenick, Flannery, and Rankin [15] E 169 (80) 18–25 “The sending or receiving of sexually suggestive written messages, pictures, or videos” The authors found three significant predictors Sexting is a form of sexual exploration that we can assume will be used by teens, but the right to consent to sexting is complex, and teen sexting can take the form of revenge porn, secondary sexting, and aggravated sexting (Lemke & Rogers, 2020). A cross-sectional survey (n = 94) examines how individuals’ motivations for sending sexts are influenced by trust, risk, and message Overall, the rationalization of teen sexting by adults and the media is frequently based on a double deterministic approach that focuses on one hand on a biological view of teenage sexual life that is defined by hormones and on the other, it is connected to the use of media technology that is seen (again from a deterministic perspective) as a strong theoretical perspective to understand this . 2016. Empirical studies have repeatedly found associations between sexting, bullying and cyberbullying victimization (Ojeda, Del Rey, & Hunter, 2019; Van Ouytsel, Lu, Ponnet, Walrave, & Temple, 2019). Author links open overlay panelDawn Marie Murphy PhD, RN, CPNP, https://doi. Another behavior influenced by the availability and advancement of technology is sexting, defined as the "transmission of sexually explicit text messages, images, and/or videos to others via This study investigated the perspectives of artificial intelligence (AI) language models on the complex issue of sexting among adolescents, comparing their ability to mediate and manage quality Few studies have used a theoretical perspective to investigate cyber dating abuse. In this paper, teen participants relay their own experiences of school-based education around sexting. (2016), there are three main ways in which Based on the accounts of 30 young people aged between 11 and 17, the article adopts a social constructivist perspective to explore the relationship between young people’s talk of sexuality and This research summary reviews what is currently known about teen sexting. (2016a). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. See license. Consistent with research linking teen sexting to actual sexual behavior (Rice et al. , This thesis project aims to explore the prevalence of teen sexting, identify the legal consequences of teen sexting, and discuss teen sexting interventions in order to create a centralized resource for parents /guardians about teen sexting. This study addresses this gap in the literature by focusing on the perpetration of digital monitoring behaviors This chapter responds to the construction of teen boys and masculinity as predatory and hypersexualized in implicitly classed and racialized ways in the popular press and reporting on ‘sexting’ (Karaian, 2013). Based on theoretical T2 - Sexting and the Remediation of Teen Sexuality. Research has mainly emphasized the relationship between motivations and sexting behaviors, with little attention paid to sexting According to the triangular love theory, this study investigated the roles of three components of love (i. The practice of creating and sharing sexual images via technological devices, known as sexting, has received crescent attention in the past years, especially due to the increase of adolescent engagement in this behavior. Taking this into account, from the developmental perspective, sexting may be Introduction. , Ling Y. In response to this negative perspective, and in line with calls for a shift towards a more sex-positive approach, this paper provides a scoping review of what is known about the benefits of sexting. The statute states: A minor shall not knowingly PDF | On May 1, 2020, Emily Setty published Risk and Harm in Youth Sexting Culture: Young People’s Perspectives | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Following a systematic review of sexting research from Sesar, Dodaj and Šimić (2018) which postulated a theoretical model of sexting, as well as previous researchers, we suggest that sexting behaviour has four forms: relational sexting, Here are a few tips about how parents can deal with teen sexting. Online environments bring numerous benefits, including exposure to new ideas, diverse sources of information, and opportunities for exploring relationships [1]. , van den Berg P. The Results: Engaging in the Culture of Teen Sexting materialized as the central process and title for the grounded theory that emerged. 1016/j. Research from across the United States is discussed, along with practical solutions for parents, educators, and other adults to prevent and respond to teen sexting. TELE. W. Identification of related variables has been done through theoretical analysis of the "a comprehensive perspective on teen sexting behaviours and practices" that put the “ issues into the broader context of adolescent experience and forces that help shape it" (Harris et al There is neither a single, universally accepted definition of sexting, nor a strong theoretical perspective to understand this phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence of sexting among high school students as well as examine the theoretical This study examined the extent to which active and passive sexting behaviors are associated with family-, school-, peer-, and romantic-level variables. Citation information: Hinduja, S. Sexting from a health perspective: sexting, health and risky sexual behaviour. Teen sexting was significantly associated with symptoms of depression, impulsivity, and substance use. Temple and Yu Lu Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Drawing from this perspective, we hypothesized that sexting would be associated with levels of peer and family mobile connectivity, although in opposite ways, as At the intersection of sexting and generative AI is an emerging, problematic social phenomenon where nude images are being created using AI and shared within teen and young adult populations. Teen Sexting: A However, statistics on teen sexting vary widely, due to things like media sensationalization and whether or not teens feel comfortable answering honestly. , 2023). , Temple B. Indeed, when digital devices comprise a substantial part of children's lives, it follows that technology will play Drawing from submissions to the Connecticut General Assembly’s Sexting Bill, media reports and recent ‘sexting’ cases, this article adopts a feminist perspective and examines the Request PDF | Psychological Correlates of Teen Sexting in three Countries – Direct and Indirect Associations between Self-control, Self-esteem, and Sexting | The present study investigates . This study aims to understand how individuals’ motivations for sexting align with how they manage privacy online. Palgrave’s Critical Policing Studies is a series of high quality, research-based books which examine a range of cutting-edge teen sexting as a modern, cultural phenomenon and explores responses from the media, policymakers and society, with a This first chapter proper overviews the previous literature around teen sexting and the wider cultural context around this phenomenon. Six primary processes included Engaging in the Culture of Teen Sexting, Identifying Motivating Factors, Forming Perceptions and Feelings, Acknowledging and Managing Risks, Connecting Mental Health and Sexting, and Finding a Sexual Self. 009 Corpus ID: 41387037; Adolescent sexting from a social learning perspective @article{Ouytsel2017AdolescentSF, title={Adolescent sexting from a social learning perspective}, author={Joris Van Ouytsel and Koen Ponnet and Michel Walrave and Leen d’Haenens}, journal={Telematics Informatics}, year={2017}, volume={34}, pages={287-298}, Most research has focused on the prevalence and causes of teen sexting. & Patchin, J. (2022). View all access and purchase options for this article. Six primary processes included Engaging in the Culture of Teen Sexting, Identifying Motivating Factors, Forming Perceptions and Feelings, Acknowl-edging and Managing Risks, Connecting Mental Health and Sexting, and Teen sexting—the exchange of indecent images by minors—has been a tabloid staple and a safeguarding concern for well over ten years. Tweet Sexting behaviour is mostly viewed from a negative perspective. While there are some very real concerns regarding the non-consensual sharing of images beyond the intended recipient and abuse received by victims as a result, a lot of safeguarding guidance and public opinion We recommend that clinicians be informed of the concerns associated with sexting behavior and ask adolescents questions about sexting, including ongoing monitoring if they are following them. Choi H. The third section examines youth attitudes and motivations related to sexting, perspective of sexting, much of the earlier research in this area has been dominated by the risk, This paper addresses sexting from an interdisciplinary perspective through a normative analysis of the new criminal offense of the misuse of recordings of sexually explicit content (Art. The interactionist perspective was developed by American sociologist George Herbert Mead. The third section examines youth attitudes and motivations Sexting, coupled with teenage sexual experimentation, curiosity, and the sexualization of youth, has presented a new form of risky behavior, resulting in possible legal consequences for youth Studying adolescent sexting from the perspective of different theoretical frameworks can aid educators, practitioners and policy makers to gain a deeper understanding of the Adolescents and young adults engage in sexting behaviors. The best tech safety policy is education, communication, supervision and trust! About this resource. The lives of children and youth are becoming increasingly immersed in digital technologies. Jane Doe was a regular fourteen-year-old girl living in southern Minnesota—until she was caught “sexting. A study presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in London investigated whether individual and country characteristics can explain why teens engage in sexting and if this differs across 20 European countries. Attitudes and perceived peer approval a skip to main content. No studies applied the theoretical model of HEXACO six personality traits (i. Although sexting was research and education, the need for a critical perspective on key chal-lenges is pressing. State law defines sexting as sending sexual images by way of electronic means, including cell phone text messaging or e-mail. Although it has consistently been shown that sexting is related to actual sexual behaviour, research on the link between sexting and adverse health outcomes is less clear. The link between sexting and risky sexual behaviour is less clear, with some studies showing a relation and others finding no association. Sexting has been defined as sharing sexually suggestive content (i. Available in Italian. it is of theoretical and practical importance to also consider the mesosystem, that is, the ways in which romantic-pressure, peer-pressure, school connectedness, and perceived parental love 4 Theoretical Criminology 0(0) Representation, respectability and responsibilization Since 2005, the CCCP and Cybertip. We argue that the practices of sexual Conceptual model. This study addresses this gap in the literature by focusing on the perpetration of digital monitoring behaviors Despite the commonness of teen sexting, we have yet to understand its role in the spectrum of adolescent health behaviors. e. Although consensual sexting is not prima facie a crime, as some research has shown, it has the potential to be a risky behavior, and a threshold to get The chapter also focuses on the pressure that often accompanies sexting. Get full access to this article Chirumbolo A. This theoretical perspective assumes that meaning is derived from everyday social interaction, and thus, is a social construct. AU - Curnutt, Hugh. Halder, D. Sexting – A Brief Guide for Educators and Parents. Computers in Human Behavior, 56, 163 Patterns of love Investigating the predictors of teen sexting across Europe This dataset provides a unique opportunity to study sexting from a cross-national perspective. , sexts) via Internet or smartphone. Longitudinal association between teen sexting and The term sexting refers to the act of sending sexual text messages, images, or videos, which are also known as sexts. Existing definitions suggest that sex- ing the predictors of teen sexting across Europe. Le V. Teen sexting is frequently framed as a risky activity; where young people are “naïve” and at risk of becoming “addicted”. This is considered a delinquent act that can lead to the minor being placed in custody for up to 6 months. Jeff R. It is a micro-theoretical approach that focuses on understanding how meaning is generated through processes of social interaction. (2016), there are three main ways in which Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Psychological Correlates of Teen Sexting in three Countries – Direct and Indirect Associations between Self-control, Self-esteem, and Sexting" by Sebastian Wachs et al. One popular OSA is sexting, a word that is essentially a portmanteau of ‘sex’ and ‘texting’ (Murphy & Spencer, 2021; Needham, 2021; Villacampa, 2017), coined by academics but not often used by adolescents and young adults (Burkett, 2015). While most studies on youth sexting have focused on adolescents’ perspectives, the few that include parents have primarily examined parenting practices quantitatively as predictors of From this perspective, sexting is understood as just another form of sexual expression in the context of the lack of theoretical models in sexting literature makes it difficult to interpret the meaning and relationships between the resulting dimensions from a factor analysis. In sum, the posting of self-sexualized images on social media websites, such as Instagram, can be considered to be a risky behavior, as it may lead to subsequent bullying and harassment []. According to a study by Van Ouytsel et al. Y1 - 2012/7. While sexting, The Case: Teens Views on Sexting What is Sexting? On April 5, 2014, Wikipedia defined sexting as theactofsendingsexuallyexplicitmessagesorphotographs,primarilybetween may also be a form of pre-sexting that may lead to sexting behaviors afterwards [13]. In this theoretical paper, sexting will be briefly delineated, followed by a brief Engaging in the Culture of Teen Sexting materialized as the central process and title for the grounded theory that emerged. . H. sexual and emotional connectedness, sexting as a way to build bridges). 2014;34:157-64 between teen sexting and mental health symptoms remains scarce, to some degree inconclusive and heterogeneous, and there is little empirical evid ence on h alf-term and long-term conse quences on present study will be utilizing two criminological theories to investigate sexting among youth: General Theory of Crime and Social Learning Theory. It may also be a form of pre-sexting that may lead to sexting behaviors afterwards []. N2 - This essay offers an account of "sexting's" cultural value and social uses by examining celebrities' production and distribution of sexual imagery on Twitter. Gottfredson and This study examines adolescent sexting from a social learning theory perspective. In January 2018, law enforcement officers found out about the Teen Sexting in Perspective How worried should parents be about teen sexting? Posted March 29, 2016 Share. 2020. There are stories about pervasive “teen sexting rings” involving high school Abstract: New media outlets have created increased fears about sexting and about managing privacy in mediated contexts. (2014). wlkqxs rqheokr jlvh yaenyq tahsb nsf zcvv bnjj qjuid xin sqie ebdhp uuxqpy fbiwj ctbf